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574 results found

Species point records from 1982 Smith Lewis littoral survey

This report of a survey carried out under contract to the NCC, describes the shores of Lewis from Mealista on the west coast, north to the Butt of Lewis and south down the east coast as far as the...

Habitat point records from 1982 Smith Lewis littoral survey

This report of a survey carried out under contract to the NCC, describes the shores of Lewis from Mealista on the west coast, north to the Butt of Lewis and south down the east coast as far as the...

Earth's core conductivities for pure iron and iron mixtures in the liquid outer core and solid inner core (NERC Grant NE/H02462X/1)

This dataset contains VASP runs performed on ARCHER to calculate the electrical and thermal conductivities of pure iron and iron alloys at Earth's core conditions using density functional theory...

Analyses of volcanic glasses from oceanic islands and mid-ocean ridges (NERC Grant NE/P017045/1)

Analyses of volcanic glasses from a range of oceanic islands (Samoa, Cook-Australs, Iceland) and mid-ocean ridges (Reykjanes Ridge). Each glass sample was analysed for the concentrations of >60...

Dynamic reservoir-condition microtomography of reactive transport in complex carbonates: Effect of initial pore structure and initial brine pH in Ketton, Estaillades, and Portland Limestones.

A laboratory µ-CT scanner was used to image the dissolution of Ketton, Estaillades, and Portland limestones in the presence of CO2-acidified brine at reservoir conditions (10 MPa and 50 °C) at two...

Rheology of three-phase suspensions (NERC grant NE/K500999/1)

The data consists of a spreadsheet containing rheology data for 39 samples of syrup, containing air bubbles and/or spherical glass particles. These data were used by Truby et al. (2014) to support...

Whole rock geochemistry for Chilean volcanoes including chalcophile element chemistry (NERC Grant NE/M000427/1)

Complete major and trace element analyses of all samples investigated under project component chalcophile element processing beneath arc volcanic systems, within NE/M000427/1 (see Cox et al., EPSL,...

Fracture interaction data supporting Thomas et al. 2017. Quantification of fracture interaction using stress intensity factor variation maps. JGR: Solid Earth (NERC grant NE/L000660/1)

Data supporting the publication: Robin N. Thomas, Adriana Paluszny, Robert W. Zimmerman, 2017. Quantification of fracture interaction using stress intensity factor variation maps. Journal of...

Climate model data presented in manuscript "The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse" by Matero et al. (2017) NERC doctoral training grant NE/L002574/1

General circulation model (HadCM3) output of the study by Matero et al. (2017) “The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse. Data has been processed into netCDF4 - timeseries,...

Model output presented in the manuscript "Ocean circulation drifts in multi-millennial climate simulations: the role of salinity corrections and climate feedbacks" by Dentith et al. (2018) (NERC grant NE/L002574/1)

Output from the FAMOUS General Circulation Model presented in the study by Dentith et al. (2018) "Ocean circulation drifts in multi-millennial climate simulations: the role of salinity corrections...

Datasets containing multiple diversity metrics of planktonic foraminifera (NERC grant NE/I00551X/1)

Two datasets containing multiple diversity metrics of planktonic foraminifera. Recent data is from MARGO (Multiproxy approach for the reconstruction of the glacial ocean surface); Eocene data is...

Clumped and stable Isotope Data for the Falkland Plateau and Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 511 (NERC grant NE/J020842/1)

Clumped isotope analyses, raw data, replicates and temperatures calculated using the empirical calibration of Wacker et al. (2014), recalculated using the [Brand] isotopic parameters.

2009-2019 University of Plymouth Lyme Bay Baited Remote Underwater Video system Metrics

Diversity Metrics derived from Max N values from Baited Remote Underwater Video systems as described in Davies et al., 2021 Journal of Applied Ecology.

2009-2019 University of Plymouth Lyme Bay Baited Remote Underwater Video system Metrics

Diversity Metrics derived from Max N values from Baited Remote Underwater Video systems as described in Davies et al., 2021 Journal of Applied Ecology.

Three-Field block preconditioner 3D test case (NERC grant NE/I026995/1)

This data is described in section 6.4 of the following paper, Three-Field Block Preconditioners for Models of Coupled Magma/Mantle Dynamics by Rhebergen et al DOI:10.1137/14099718X

Sequence alignments and resulting phylogenetic hypotheses (NERC grant NE/J022632/1)

Data derived from NERC Grant NE/J022632/1, Sequence alignments and resulting phylogenetic hypotheses from Harrington et al. (2016) BMC Evolutionary Biology.

Species point records from 1990 OPRU Sullom Voe sublittoral monitoring

The report describes the results of a macrobenthic survey carried out in Sullom Voe by the Oil Pollution Research Unit (OPRU) for the Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Advisory Group (SOETAG)....

Habitat point records from 1990 OPRU Sullom Voe sublittoral monitoring

The report describes the results of a macrobenthic survey carried out in Sullom Voe by the Oil Pollution Research Unit (OPRU) for the Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Advisory Group (SOETAG)....

Strontium, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Boron isotopes of Mariana mud volcano pore waters (NERC grant NE/P020909/1)

Porewaters from IODP Expedition 366 were extracted from serpentinite mud volcano sediments onboard the RV JOIDES Resolution (see Fryer et al, 2017; 2018 for details). Selected samples were then...

Modelled depth and thermal history for sediments offshore Sumatra (NERC grant NE/P012140/1)

The thermal state of marine sediments controls a range of potential dehydration reactions as sediments are subducted. In thick sediment sections it is possible that reactions that would normally...