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Jobcentre Register

This document is a register of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) jobcentres in Great Britain. It has been created as part of the Government Transformation Strategy to build a national...

Online Vetting Application Spreadsheet

This excel spreadsheet records details of security clearance applications which have been made online by the Department and National Security Vetting sponsors. It contains the names and dates of...

Strategy for Industry Generated Data - 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Patnership

A desk-based study was undertaken to address the increasing need for a strategic approach to industry-led data collection in the face of reducing resources and growing need for evidence in...

BIS Government Procurement Card spend - transactions over £500

Spreadsheets in this information set reflect all monthly single transactions with a value of £500 or above. GPC or government procurement card expenditure is published in arrears. Before April...

Barrow Port Area Action Plan Policy BPSV2 - Spatial Strategy for Port Area Action Plan

Areas affected by policy BPSV2 Spatial Strategy for Port Area Action Plan from the Barrow Port Area Action Plan. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be...

DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) non-consolidated performance related payments

Non Consolidated performance related payments made by Department of Energy and Climate Change to staff since financial year end March 2011 Department for Energy and Climate Change was closed in...

Affordable housing provision

All new affordable housing completions/ acquisitions Source: Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix, Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

Defra Transparency Panel

The purpose of the sector transparency panels is to support delivery of the transparency agenda in their sector. The overarching purpose of the Defra Network Transparency Panel is to oversee the...

Spend over £500 in the Department of Energy and Climate Change

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...

DESNZ: workforce management information

Documents relating to workforce management information (WMI) summary data for the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). This data covers: payroll staff by grade, non-payroll...

DSIT: workforce management information

Documents relating to workforce management information (WMI) summary data for the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT). This data covers: payroll staff by grade,...

Recorded Dementia Diagnoses

The recorded prevalence of dementia at GP Practice level. These data are published in support of the Dementia Strategy and the Dementia Challenge.

Spend over £25,000 in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) publishes details of all spending over £500 using a GPC (departmental debit card) on a monthly basis. A monthly-updated list of all...

Air quality indicator for sustainable development

The air quality indicator is one of the 68 indicators of the Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy. It measures annual levels of pollution from particulates (PM10) and ozone (O3), the two...

Teenage lone parents in social rented housing

Number of lone parents under the age of 18 occupying Local Authority dwellings Source: Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix, Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and...

Iraq Polling data

MOD is releasing polling data collected in Iraq between June 2005 and the end of 2006 in order to support decision making during Operation Telic, the UK military contribution to the international...

Dementia Diagnoses - ethnicity

The recorded prevalence of dementia, by ethnicity at Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) level. These data are published in support of the Dementia Strategy and the Dementia Challenge

NI 060 - Percentage of core assessments for children's social care that were carried out within 35 working days of their commencement.

The Assessment Framework specifies that core assessments should be completed within 35 working days. the indicator measures the percentage of core assessments which were completed within 35 working...

Management Strategy Evaluation toolkit for Ecopath with Ecosim (model output and technical report)

This dataset consists of output from a computer model that predicts responses of 69 functional groups from plankton to whales to changing fishing pressure. Scenarios are run using the newly built...

Employment tenancies

MS Access database on Anaerobic digestion strategy (ADS) applications/payments Database (Access) and Excel spreadsheet for Agricultural Land Tribunals (ALTs) cases and Gangmasters Licensing...