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National Rail Enquiry Service

The National Rail Enquiry Service (NRES) provides information, primarily on train times and fares. It covers enquiries made through the telephone service, as well as self-service channels such as...

Timetabled Train Kilometres

Timetabled train kilometres (TTKM) show the number of kilometres each train operating company will achieve according to the winter and summer train timetable if they are operating at full...

NSTA and Lloyd's Register SW Approaches Regional Geological Maps (Open Source)

As part of the NSTA’s published 2018/19 Activity Plan, the NSTA is publishing a set of regional geological maps for the SW Approaches area. These maps represent the fourth set of deliverables from...

Income source and quantity data from communities in the Katakwi District, Uganda, 2018

This dataset is a product of the raw HEA (Household Economy Approach) data that were collected in sixteen communities in the Katakwi district, and the raw IHM (Individual Household Method) data...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Road (major road sources) - LDAY

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major road traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major roads are defined as those with more than...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (major rail sources) - LAeq18h

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major railway traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major railways are defined as those with more than...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (all railway sources) - LDAY

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all railway traffic noise in Scotland (both major and non-major sources) in 2021. The data represents...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (all railway sources) - LEVE

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all railway traffic noise in Scotland (both major and non-major sources) in 2021. The data represents...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (major railway sources) - LDEN

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major railway traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major railways are defined as those with more than...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Road (all road sources) - LAeq16h

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all road traffic noise in Scotland (both major and non-major sources) in 2021. The data represents the...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Road (major road sources) - LNIGHT

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major road traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major roads are defined as those with more than...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Road (all road sources) - LDAY

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all road traffic noise in Scotland (both major and non-major sources) in 2021. The data represents the...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (major railway sources) - LDAY

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major railway traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major railways are defined as those with more than...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Road (major road sources) - LAeq16h

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major road traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major roads are defined as those with more than...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (all railway sources) - LAeq6h

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all railway traffic noise in Scotland (both major and non-major sources) in 2021. The data represents...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (major rail sources) - LAeq16h

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major railway traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major railways are defined as those with more than...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (all railway sources) - LAeq18h

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all railway traffic noise in Scotland (both major and non-major sources) in 2021. The data represents...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (all railway sources) - LDEN

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all railway traffic noise in Scotland (both major and non-major sources) in 2021. The data represents...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Road (all road sources) - LNIGHT

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all road traffic noise in Scotland (both major and non-major sources) in 2021. The data represents the...

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (major railway sources) - LEVE

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major railway traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major railways are defined as those with more than...