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295 results found

Youth Offending Team's Community Safety and Public Protection Incidents (CSPPI)

This is information submitted by the YOTs on safeguarding or public protection incident within the youth justice system. It contains a log of serious incidents of offences/alleged offence by a...

FCA: Consumer investments data review April 2021 – March 202

The FCA summarises its work to tackle consumer harm in the investment market between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022. This is the fourth Consumer Investments Data Review. It covers 1 April 2021...

1982 Ayres, PA. Plankton blooms of economic importance to fisheries in UK waters 1968-1982

Three phytoplankton species blooms which have been reported harmful to fisheries in UK waters are discussed: (1) The armoured dinoflagellate Gonyaulax tamarensis has caused harmful...

Historic Park or Garden

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all Historic Parks and Gardens within the London Borough of Sutton. Historic England maintains a Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic...

Small pelagic fish sampling programme 2018/19 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) project was a collaboration between industry and scientists, responding to the need for data from the main small pelagic fisheries in the South West coast...

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures how well care and support services achieve the outcomes that matter most to people. The measures are grouped into four...

Climate & Equalities Tool

The Climate and Equalities Tool is a simple, high-level tool to help you embed climate and equalities considerations early in your programme design. Climate outcomes are assessed alongside an...

LDNPA The English Lake District World Heritage Site

The English Lake District World Heritage Site boundary, as designated at the 41st UNESCO Committee Convention on 12 July 2017. The boundary reflects the original 1951 Lake District National Park...

Labour Force Survey Employment status by occupation

Labour Force Survey (LFS) data relating to employees, self-employed, full-time and part-time workers by occupation group (based on Standard Occupation Classification 2000) by sex. Source agency:...

Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) in the Bristol Channel 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The aim of this project was to determine whether REM can be used to accurately verify and evaluate self-sampling records of the skate and ray catch (retained and discarded) made by the skipper...

London Views Management Framework (LVMF) – Extended background vistas

Statutory consultation arrangements for developments that might affect a Protected Vista are prescribed by the Secretary of State and reproduced in the Mayor of London’s LVMF...

Annual Population Survey - Economic activity by disability

Economic Activity, whether in employment, employee, self employed, unemployed by disability and primary reason for disability Source: Annual Population Survey (APS) Publisher: Nomis Geographies:...

FCA: Consumer investments data review April - September 2021

The FCA summarises its work to tackle consumer harm in the investment market between 1 April 2021 and 30 September 2021. The FCA's third consumer investments data review shows how it is being...

Soil Chemistry England and Wales (version 3)

This dataset has now been superseded, please see the Estimated Ambient Background Soil Chemistry England and Wales dataset. This dataset indicates the estimated topsoil Arsenic(As), Cadmium (Cd),...

Characteristics of children in need: 2014 to 2015

Characteristics of children in need: 2014 to 2015 Children referred to and assessed by children's social services for the financial year ending March 2015. The ‘main text’ document includes...

Adult Smoking Prevalence

This data shows the percentage of adults (age 18 and over) who are current smokers. Smoking is the single biggest cause of preventable death and illnesses, and big inequalities exist between and...

Census 2001 Key Statistics

The Census 2001 Key Statistics series of reports provide a compact and self-contained reference of key results from the Census in an easily digestible form. Each report includes results for every...

Farm Household Income and Household Composition, England

Information on farm household income and farm household composition. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Six Month Offer Stats

Take up of Recruitment Subsidy, Self Employment Work Focused Training and Volunteering initiatives introduced in April 2009 as part of the Government's response to the economic downturn. This is a...

Annual Population Survey - Economic activity by age and gender

Counts and proportions of males and females economically active or inactive and whether working full time, part time or whether self employed, unemployed etc. Source: Annual Population Survey...