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Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order is made by a Local Planning Authority to protect trees which make a significant impact on their surroundings, making it an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot,...

Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites (RIGS)

Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites (RIGS) are non-statutory sites selected to protect the most important places for geology, geomorphology and soils, complementing the network of legally...

Local Ward Health Comparison for Cambridgeshire

Local Health contains data produced by Public Health England. A full list and definition of the indicators is found in the pdf. The excel sheet contains an average or sum value for all in...

UK Ramsar qualifying features (birds)

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all qualifying bird species (of international and national...

2011 Census DC Tables 1. Demography

2011 Census cross-tabulations within the demography topic. Tables for Camden, Greater London and England & Wales (including Age and sex, Marital and Civil Partnership Status, Living...

MoJ extract of Police National Computer

Extract of selected fields from the Police National Computer (PNC).

LIDAR DTM Time Stamped Tiles

The LIDAR DTM (Digital Terrain Model) Time Stamped Tiles product is an archive of raster elevation data produced by the Environment Agency. Site specific LIDAR surveys have been carried out across...

Additional Affordable Dwellings

Additional affordable dwellings by local authority district, England 1991-92 to 2016-17 This dataset describes the additions to the stock of affordable housing from the period 1991-92 to 2016-17,...

Reservoir stocks 1988-2009

Covers a selection of representative reservoirs chosen throughout England and Wales which have a total capacity of 1,531,928 Ml.

Vertical Aerial Photography

Vertical aerial photography is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a high-resolution camera mounted vertically underneath the aircraft to capture reflected light in the red, green, blue and...

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Information, Communications, Technology Summary Data

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Information, Communications, Technology summary data for Core Defra and selected Defra agencies.

Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) data from a selection of tephra occurrences drilled at IODP Sites 350-U1436 and 350-U1437. (NERC grant NE/M005240/1)

Many tephra layers were identified in sediment cores drilled during IODP Expedition 350. Here, 1092 glass shards from 76 tephra occurrences (layer or patch) were analysed using electron probe...

Whole rock and microanalytical pyrite geochemistry from selected samples of the Vatukoula gold mines, Fiji, collected and analysed 2017-2020 (NERC Grant NE/M010848/1)

Whole rock and pyrite geochemistry data from a suite of mineralised and barren rocks from Vatukoula gold mines and the Tavua caldera that hosts the ore body, in the northern part of the island of...

NI 127 - Self reported experience of social care users

Self reported experience of social care users. The measure will be based on a survey, from questions to be asked of a selected sample of social care service users.

Councillor Allowances and Expenses

Monthly figures, published here under the Council's Members' Allowances Scheme, including basic allowance, special responsibility allowance, travel and subsistence, dependent carer allowance,...

European funding and SIBs mailing list

List of contact details of Local Authority and Local Enterprise Partnerships selected to receive a targeted letter from Cabinet Office and DWP relating to European funding and social impact bonds.


Seasonal fishery-dependent surveys were conducted to catch and tag elasmobranch species. Data consists of catch and release information.

Children in low income families

### About the dataset This dataset uses information from the DWP benefit system to provide estimates of children living in poverty for wards in London. In order to be counted in this dataset, a...

Building Materials and Components statistics

Provides information on selected building materials and contains monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks; and quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing...

UK Ramsar adverse factors

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...