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634 results found

LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to LAD (April 2020) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), to clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and local authority districts (LAD) in England, as at 1 April 2020. (File size - 10MB) Field...

Clinical Commissioning Groups to STP to Cancer Alliances (April 2020) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) and Cancer Alliances (CAL) in England as at 1st April 2020. (File size - 72KB) Field...

Local Authority District to Strategic Clinical Network (December 2021) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between local authority districts (LAD) and strategic clinical networks (SCN) in England as at 31st December 2021.  (File Size - 23 KB)  Field Names - LAD21CD, LAD21NM, SCN21CD,...

Local Authority District to Strategic Clinical Network (December 2018) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between local authority districts (LAD) and strategic clinical networks (SCN) in England as at 31st December 2018.  (File Size - 64 KB)  Field Names - LAD18CD, LAD18NM, SCN18CD,...

Local Authority District to Strategic Clinical Network (December 2020) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between local authority districts (LAD) and strategic clinical networks (SCN) in England as at 31st December 2020.  (File Size - 56 KB)  Field Names - LAD20CD, LAD20NM, SCN20CD,...

LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to LAD (April 2016) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and local authority districts (LAD) in England, as at April 2016 (File Size 3.2MB).REST URL of...

LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to LAD (April 2018) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), to clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and local authority districts (LAD) in England, as at 1 April 2018. (File size - 8MB) This...

LSOA (2011) to Clinical Commissioning Group to LAD (April 2019) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), to clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and local authority districts (LAD) in England, as at 1 April 2019. (File size - 9MB) This...

CCG Prescribing Data

Quarterly Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) prescribing data. The structure of the file is: Quarter, Area Team, CCG, BNF Chapter, BNF Section, Items, Actual Cost, Net Ingredient Cost Each file...

Prescribing for diabetes in England

This report shows on prescribing trends for medicines prescribed in primary care in England for the treatment of diabetes for the period since April 2005. Diabetes is a high profile clinical...

NDFA Interval Review: July 2014-March 2021

The National Diabetes Foot Care Audit (NDFA) Interval Review is the 6th NDFA report. The National Diabetes Foot Care Audit (NDFA) is a continuous audit of diabetic foot disease in England and...

National Diabetes Transition Audit, 2011 - 2017

The National Diabetes Transition Audit (NDTA) is a joint enterprise between the National Diabetes Audit (NDA) and the National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) measuring the care of young people...

Maternity Services - Monthly Statistics (England)

This is a report on NHS-funded maternity services in England, from the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS). The MSDS is a patient-level data set that captures key information at each stage of the...

National Diabetes Inpatient Audit - Harms, 2018

NaDIA-Harms is a mandatory year-round collection of four harms that can occur to diabetic inpatients in Acute hospitals in England. The objective of NaDIA Harms is to help reduce the rates of...

Epilepsy: Mortality rate

Deaths from epilepsy. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and Health Outcomes...

NI 131 - Delayed transfers of care from hospitals

The rate of delayed transfers of care from all NHS hospitals per 100,000 population aged 18+. A delayed transfer of care occurs when a patient is ready for transfer from a hospital bed, but is...

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES): Outpatient Activity - Provider-level analysis

HES is a data warehouse containing details of all admissions, outpatient appointments and A&E attendances at NHS hospitals in England. This data is collected during a patient's time at...

National Diabetes Audit - Diabetes Prevention Programme, 2017-18 Diagnoses and Demographics

The information available from this webpage comes from the National Diabetes Audit - Diabetes Prevention Programme report. The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) is a joint commitment...

National Diabetes Inpatient Safety Audit (NDISA) 2018-2021

The information available from this webpage comes from the National Diabetes Inpatient Safety Audit (NDISA). The NDISA measures the frequency of avoidable diabetic harms. The NDISA audit is part of...

National Diabetes Inpatient Audit - Harms, 2019

NaDIA-Harms is a mandatory year-round collection of four harms that can occur to diabetic inpatients in Acute hospitals in England. The objective of NaDIA Harms is to help reduce the rates of...