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998 results found

Species point records from 1974 ITE Shetland littoral rock survey

Coastal Habitats - Physical Characteristics - Part 6.1: A set of non-selective regular sampling points on the coast of Shetland were investigated and this report gives a method to generalise from...

Habitat point records from 1974 ITE Shetland littoral rock survey

Coastal Habitats - Physical Characteristics - Part 6.1: A set of non-selective regular sampling points on the coast of Shetland were investigated and this report gives a method to generalise from...

2001, ATP Oil & Gas UK Ltd, Venture, 49/12 KD, 49/17 BD Reconnaissance, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number AO01SS0003

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route (Venture to 49/12 KD and 49/17 BD) acquired between November and December 2001. The block numbers traversed were 49/12 and 49/17.

2004, ATP Oil & Gas UK Ltd, UKCS 42/25, 43/24, Garrow, Trent Tie-In, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number AO04SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route (UKCS 42/25 to 43/24 Garrow to Trent Tie-In) acquired between October and November 2004. The block numbers traversed were 42/25,...

Offshore Annotated Hydrocarbon Wells

Scanned images of well logs for oil and gas exploration and appraisal wells drilled on the UK Continental Shelf and held on behalf of the Oil & Gas Authority (formerly the Department of Energy...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Existing users and management initiatives (north UKCS)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). This report is a...

Woking Borough Council Brownfield Land Register - Part One 2021

Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as being appropriate for residential development. All sites included on Part...

Woking Borough Council Brownfield Land Register Part One 2022

Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as being appropriate for residential development. All sites included on Part...

Onshore Hydrocarbon Wells data

Data from onshore wells provided to BGS as part of an agreement with NSTA/OGA/DECC Digital data (includes, well logs, well reports and downhole data) for oil and gas exploration and appraisal wells...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Technical Report - Contaminants. A review of the contaminant status of the Irish Sea

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). This report considers...

2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 The Potential Socio-economic Implications of Licencing the SEA7 Area (NE Atlantic west of Scotland)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). This report assesses...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Technical Report - Socio-economics. The potential socio-economic implications of licensing the SEA6 area (Irish Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). The report assesses...

1997, Kerr McGee North Sea (UK) Ltd, Janice Field Development (UKCS 30/17 to UKCS 30/13), Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number KM97SS0002

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route (Janice UKCS 30/17 oil export to wye-piece tie-in UKCS 30/13) acquired between October and November 1997. The block numbers traversed...

OGA RestrictedBlocks WGS84

Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

OGA RestrictedBlocks ED50

Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

OGA RestrictedBlocks ETRS89

Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

Fleet vehicles fuel consumption

Dataset showing how much fuel each council vehicle has consumed, by year and by fuel type. Dataset guidance ---------------- The following information refers to the columns in the data: * ...

2004 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA5 Technical Report - Socio-economics

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). This report assesses...

FIB-SEM and X-ray micro-tomographic images of carbonate rock dissolution during reactive CO2-saturated brine injection under reservoir conditions

The datasets contain FIB-SEM and X-ray micro-tomographic images of a wettability-altered carbonate rock sample before and after dissolution with reactive CO2-saturated brine at reservoir pressure...

Species point records from 1986 OPRU HRE Solent survey

The Solent system is situated midway along the English channel on the Hampshire and Sussex coasts, and is bounded on its southern side by the Isle of Wight. It includes the Eastern and Western arms...