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North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes represented as points.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links represented as polylines.

Strategic Site Allocations Core Strategy 2014 Policies B3A KE3A KE4A RA5

Core Strategy adopted 2014 Policies B3A KE3A KE4A RA5. Defines the boundary of large strategic sites allocated principally for residential development on the edge of Bath, Keynsham and Whitchurch.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links represented as polylines.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes represented as points.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons represented as polygons.

HMRC Tax Transparency Sector Board

The primary purpose of the Tax Transparency Sector Board is to drive the Departmental transparency agenda and the release of HMRC information in line with the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs...

Households on the housing register

Total number of households on housing register and dwellings required Source: Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix, Communities and Local Government (CLG) Time coverage: 2004 to 2006

CNPS-RN Compulsory Drug Testing

Command Navy Personnel Strategy(CNPS) - Joint Personnel Administration (JPA - IT System) extract required to conduct and correctly identify personnel subject to Compulsory Drug testing procedures.

Total private sector vacant dwellings

No Longer collected. The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA), the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) and the local authority housing sales monitoring (P1B) forms were replaced by...

Jobcentre Register

This document is a register of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) jobcentres in Great Britain. It has been created as part of the Government Transformation Strategy to build a national...

Online Vetting Application Spreadsheet

This excel spreadsheet records details of security clearance applications which have been made online by the Department and National Security Vetting sponsors. It contains the names and dates of...

HPI: Access to recreational facilities

Health Poverty Index - Intervening Factors: Access to recreational facilities per capita Source: Department of Health (DoH), Sport England Sports Gateway Facility Finder Publisher: Health Poverty...

RAPID The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: Numerical model and observational data

"The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: a combined modelling and observational approach" project, which was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID...

RAPID The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: Numerical model and observational data

"The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: a combined modelling and observational approach" project, which was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID...

Strategy for Industry Generated Data - 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Patnership

A desk-based study was undertaken to address the increasing need for a strategic approach to industry-led data collection in the face of reducing resources and growing need for evidence in...

BIS Government Procurement Card spend - transactions over £500

Spreadsheets in this information set reflect all monthly single transactions with a value of £500 or above. GPC or government procurement card expenditure is published in arrears. Before April...

NI 184 - Food establishments in the area which are broadly compliant with food hygiene law

The percentage of food establishments within the local authority area which are broadly compliant with food law. Broadly Compliant is an outcome measure which the FSA has developed, with local...

DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) non-consolidated performance related payments

Non Consolidated performance related payments made by Department of Energy and Climate Change to staff since financial year end March 2011 Department for Energy and Climate Change was closed in...