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699 results found

Ammonia concentration and deposition data from a peatland nitrogen pollution experiment, Whim Bog, Scotland, UK, 2002-2022

This dataset contains information ammonia concentration and deposition rates resulting from an experimental setup. An NH3 enhancement experiment was established in an ombrotrophic bog near...

Meteorological data and ammonia concentration and deposition rates from an ammonia enhancement experiment site, Glencorse, UK, 2021-2022

This dataset contains information about meteorological conditions and ammonia concentration and deposition rates resulting from an experimental setup. An NH3 enhancement experiment along with a...

The average of maximum annual mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration recorded across three areas of technical breach (at points of relevant public exposure) (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

The average of maximum annual mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration recorded across three areas of technical breach (at points of relevant public exposure) (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

National Exposure Database

National Exposure Database (NEDB) holds information for assisting HSE for the following reasons: (i) informed policy making such as occupational exposure limits (OELs); (ii) developing...

Environmental and chemical determinands associated with phosphorus in Loch Leven bed sediments (2004-2005)

This is a dataset obtained from analysis of lake sediment and overlying water from six sites along a depth gradient, in Loch Leven, Scotland, over a period of one year. Parameters measured from the...

Growth, biomass allocation and tissue nutrient concentrations of subtropical and tropical tree seedlings in response to experimental manipulation of soil phosphorus pools

This dataset reports metrics of plant growth, including height, total biomass and the biomass of component plant parts, and percentage root colonisation by mycorrhizas, for tree seedlings of eight...

Element and radionuclide concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils from a forest in north-west England

This dataset presents the results of an initial sampling exercise conducted at a terrestrial site in northwest England in summer 2010. The following samples of terrestrial Reference Animals and...

Monthly atmospheric ammonia gas concentration data from Northern Ireland ALPHA® Ammonia Monitoring Network, 2019-2020

This dataset is from the Northern Ireland (NI) ALPHA® Ammonia Monitoring network, and consists of monthly concentrations of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) gas measured with the UKCEH ALPHA® method at 25...

Major cation concentrations and sodium adsorption ratios for salt marsh sediment cores collected from Tillingham and Warton Sands, UK.

Concentration data used to calculate sodium adsorption ratios for sediments collected from Tilling Farm and Warton sands saltmarshes. Extracts for cation analysis were prepared using methods...

Methane and CO2 gas concentrations and stable isotope data from select core samples from UKGEOS Glasgow GGC01 borehole

IDA267644 Methane and CO2 gas concentrations and stable isotope analyses of select core samples from GGC01 borehole of the Glasgow UKGEOS facility. Core samples were collected approximately every...

Mineral-microbe interaction role in concentration and fractionation of rare earth elements (MM-FREE) (NERC Grant NE/L002361/1)

The data are related to the NERC's Security of Supply of Mineral Resources Catalyst Grant NE/L002361/1: MM-FREE - Mineral-Microbe interaction role in concentration and Fractionation of Rare Earth...

Species point records from 1987 Heriot-Watt University Loch Moidart littoral survey

A survey of the intertidal area of SSSI at Loch Moidart, Ardnamurchan, for NCC Scotland, particularly the area likely to be affected by a proposed mussel farm development. The notification of this...

Habitat point records from 1987 Heriot-Watt University Loch Moidart littoral survey

A survey of the intertidal area of SSSI at Loch Moidart, Ardnamurchan, for NCC Scotland, particularly the area likely to be affected by a proposed mussel farm development. The notification of this...

National Laboratory Service Product Data

This dataset provides a listing of the analytical capabilities of the National Laboratory Service (NLS). --- The dataset comprises: 1) ANALYTE_NAME Name of the substance or property being...

Primary Shopping Area

Defined area where retail development is concentrated (generally comprising the Primary and those Secondary Frontages which are adjoining and closely related to the primary shopping frontage).

Parameters for rainfall-runoff modelling in subcatchments of the Citarum basin, Java, Indonesia

The dataset contains parameter values that maximize revised Kling Gupta Efficiency (KGE’) between modelled and observed daily mean river flows when running one of 24 different hydrological models...

Oxidative stress markers in banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2017-2021

The dataset includes markers of oxidative state in banded mongooses at Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, in the period 2017-2021. Data are: red blood cell concentrations of glutathione; blood...

Species point records from 1997 MNCR/SNH St Kilda sublittoral survey

This was part of a joint MNCR and SNH survey of the St Kilda cSAC. This survey concentrated on areas that would not be sampled using the ROV, such as within caves and close in shore on the vertical...

Habitat point records from 1992 SWW Tamar Estuary sublittoral sediment survey

In September 1992, a study was undertaken by Marine Biological and Chemical Consultants, on behalf of South West Water to investigate the sediments and benthic fauna of the River Tamar in the...

Habitat point records from 1997 MNCR/SNH St Kilda sublittoral survey

This was part of a joint MNCR and SNH survey of the St Kilda cSAC. This survey concentrated on areas that would not be sampled using the ROV, such as within caves and close in shore on the vertical...