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209 results found

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Tractable equations of state for CO2 mixtures in CCS: algorithms for automated generation and optimisation, tailored to end-users

This project will tackle one of the key technical challenges facing the development of commercially viable CO2 transport networks: modelling the phase behaviour of impure carbon dioxide, under the...

X-Ray micro-CT data and simulation files for paper 'Representative elementary volumes, hysteresis and heterogeneity in multiphase flow from the pore to continuum scale'

Grant: NE/N016173/1.The data presented herein comprises raw and segmented X-Ray micro-CT data, CMG simulation files and Matlab processing files for the paper 'Representative elementary volumes,...

Data Zone Centroids 2001

Data zone centroids are point features that represent the population weighted centre of data zones - the core geography used for the dissemination of results from Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics...

Vacant and Derelict Land - Scotland

The Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey (SVDLS) is a national data collection undertaken to establish the extent and state of vacant and derelict land in Scotland. The survey has been...

Predicted erosion hazards to electricity transmission towers in the Mersey River valley under hypothetical future flow scenarios, 2018-2050

This dataset contains information about predicted future erosion hazards to electricity transmission towers at a site in the Mersey River valley. River channel change and floodplain erosion rates...

Indoor particulate matter study (PM10, PM2.5, vacuum dust) at residential homes in North-East England using a citizen-led sampling approach (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

A dataset of airborne particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) readings (every 3 minutes) collected by participating households in Northeast England in their kitchens and living rooms over the course of...

London Debt Advice Clients

This dataset combines information on debt advice clients from three agencies working in London. This dataset is built from information recorded by debt advice agencies on their client databases....

Recorded Crime Summary Data for Barnet: Ward Level

Extract from GLA Release: Official Sub-Ward, Ward and Borough level crime counts. This page contains the ward level data file for London Borough of Barnet Click here for corresponding LSOA...

Police Front Counter Access Times

The Mayor's Office for Police and Crime is consulting on a new estate strategy. One of the proposals is to close 65 front counters, where the public can access the police in person. This page...

Census 2011 - Workplace Zones Centroids

Workplace Zone (WZ) centroids are point features that represent the ‘master postcodes’ for WZs. The centroid, or ‘master postcode’ was selected using an algorithm which calculates the postcode...

RDC - Woodland Creation Boundary

Woodland Creation formed part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2007 - 2013. The SRDP is a programme of economic, environmental and social measures, utilising European...

Borough Council Election Results 2010

**London Borough Council Elections - 6 May 2010** ![REPORT]( With the aim of making the democratic process...

RDC - Woodland Creation Options

Woodland Creation formed part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2007 - 2013. The SRDP is a programme of economic, environmental and social measures, utilising European...

Water and suspended sediment discharges for the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (2005-2015)

This dataset describes hourly time series of discharge and suspended sediment flux at four sites in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (Chau Doc, Tan Chau, Can Tho and My Thaun) for the period 2005 –...

Numerical modelling of fracture intensity increase due to interacting blast waves in three-dimensional granitic rocks

This work presents a detailed three-dimensional finite element based model for wave propagation, combined with a postprocessing procedure to determine the fracture intensity caused by blasting. The...

Interest features and linked critical load/level values for UK protected sites

This dataset contains the critical load and level values for designated habitats and species (where there is an appropriate match) at protected sites across the UK. The data is available for...

Near-field TLS and SfM datasets from the 2016 central Italian Earthquake Sequence ( NERC grant NE/P018858/1)

Terrestrial laser scanning datasets (including GPS data for georeferencing), structure from motion datasets, and field photographs collected during the 2016 Central Italian Earthquake sequence....

Output Area (2011) to PCON (2011) to EER (December 2011) Best Fit Lookup in EW

A best-fit lookup between Output Areas (OA), Westminster parliamentary constituencies and European electoral regions (EER) as at 31 December 2011 in England and Wales. A ‘best-fit percentage’...

Newcastle Libraries online resources usage

Monthly usage figures for online resources including databases and e-book platforms when available, for January 2005 to present. Additional information Blank means no data available In 2020, all...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Conifer (Sitka Spruce)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...