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48 results found

NSTA Geological Boundaries (ETRS89)

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

NSTA Geological Boundaries (WGS84)

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

NSTA Geological Boundaries (ED50)

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

UKCS Geological Major ED50

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

UKCS Geological Sub ED50

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

UKCS Geological Major ED50

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

UKCS Geological Major WGS84

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

UKCS Geological Sub WGS84

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

UKCS Geological Sub ED50

Generic geological boundaries on the UKCS

Filings dataset

Aggregate information about filings and generic location is published as part of our Facts and Figures booklet which is available on the IPO website.

Questions from companies seeking Marketing Authorisations for veterinary medicinal products as part of the assessment process

The General Assessment Team routinely receive queries from companies in relation to Marketing Authorisations. A summary Q&A document is on the VMD website to address generic frequently asked...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project data: HPCR Oxyfuel Testing with CO2 Aug 2014

Pressurised Large Scale Generic Burner Tests With Oxygen, Air And Carbon Dioxide. Excel File. Testing Undertaken August 2014. Data Used Is Detailed In Report: Oxyfuel And Exhaust Gas Recirculation...

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) Working Paper 2015-03: Assessing interactions between multiple geological CO2 storage sites: generic learning from the CO2MultiStore project

Technical report from CO2MultiStore project, component of ‘Optimising CO2 storage in geological formations: a case study offshore Scotland, September 2015. The report captures knowledge gained from...

EU Project Report: CO2CARE - CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research, Best Practice Guidelines

This report presents a set of pragmatic and workable generic procedures, suggested best practices and other recommendations and observations for the safe and sustainable closure of geological CO2...

Wiltshire Council - Local Landscape Character Areas

Landscape Character Assessment is an objective method for describing landscape, based on the identification of generic landscape types (e.g. Open Downland) and more specific landscape character...

FGS Native Woodland - Integrated Habitat Network

This dataset provides an Integrated Habitat Network (IHN) for native woodlands in Scotland. Its purpose is to aid the scoring process when assessing Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) applications made...

Forest Reproductive Materials Sites Accesses GB

Forest Reproductive Material (FRM) is the generic name for the seeds, cones, cuttings and planting stock used in forest establishment. The 46 tree species and the genus Populus (including aspen,...

Devon Character Areas

Devon Character Areas are areas of landscape in Devon that people recognise as distinct from others with a unique identity. They form one of the tiers of information within Devon's landscape...

Bangladesh river bathymetry and seismic surveys (NERC grant NE/I023228/1)

This dataset contains data from a river multibeam and seismic survey which took place in 2013 and 2014 at scour sites within the Brahmaputra river basin in Bangladesh. The survey was carried out as...

Anisotropic attenuation in CHIMNEY data collected during the JC152 cruise, North Sea 2017 (NERC Grant NE/N015762/1)

This is a generic powerpoint showing results from azimuthal Q analysis of seismic data collected during the JC152 cruise (Bull et al., 2018). The presentation gives an introduction to the CHIMNEY...