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Student Finance Customer Accounts System

Student Finance customer accounts operational data. Contains data on all payments of student finance to individuals, institutions and suppliers (suppliers of Disabled Students' Allowance services)....

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

This work sets out the background to the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) model, and describes some case studies in which TIFs have been used, both here in the UK, and in the US.

Open Accounts Finance Ledger System

The main finance system storing all financial transactions. Used as the transactional record from which annual statutory accounts are prepared

Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report

This report takes data from the Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR), Short and Long Term (SALT) collection and Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA) return to provide information regarding adult...

Local Authority Revenue Expenditure and Financing, England

Provides estimates of revenue expenditure and financing for Local Authorities. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

LA Revenue expenditure and financing - England

LA Revenue expenditure & financing England Budget, Provisonal Outturn & Final Outturn

Higher Education Provider Data: Finance

We publish the full HESA Finance return as open data, with the exception of text information provided by HE providers for the reference of funding and regulatory bodies. These tables include data...

Department of Finance Information Asset Register

The register is a list of personal and non-personal information assets held by the Department of Finance (DoF).

Local Authority Revenue Expenditure and Financing

This release provides budget estimates of local authority revenue expenditure and financing for the financial year. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National...

Private Finance Initiative (PFI) provider Monthly Report

Monthly report covering performance of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) provider's estate management services.

HE Finance Plus (1994/95 to 2016/17)

HE Finance Plus contains the full finance statistics return for UK higher education providers. Data includes detailed income and expenditure analysis and balance sheet information. The most recent...

Cambridgeshire County Council Finance Performance Reports

Finance and performance reports are provided by services and give details on their financial position and performance levels achieved for each month, accompanied by forecast outturn...

Higher Education courses designated for student finance

Student Loans Company Limited's designated courses operational data. Contains data on courses for which students can apply for student finance.

Estates Private Finance Initiative (PFI) provider Monthly Report

Monthly report covering performance of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) provider's estate management services.

Attainment and Finance data for Secondary schools - England 2009

The file links 2009 attainment data published in the Achievement and Attainment Tables to 2008/9 school expenditure and finance data provided by schools.

Attainment and Finance data for Primary schools - England 2009

The file links 2009 primary school attainment data published in the Achievement and Attainment Tables to 2008/09 school expenditure and finance data provided by schools.

Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Data

We publish data on all current Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects once a year. The information is provided by the departments and Devolved Administrations that procured or sponsored the...

Forestry Statistics 2017: Finance and Prices

The latest National Statistics on forestry produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 28 September 2017 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Detailed...

Forestry Statistics 2020: Finance and Prices

The latest National Statistics on forestry produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 24 September 2020 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Detailed...

Forestry Statistics 2016: Finance and Prices

The latest National Statistics on forestry produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 22 September 2016 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Detailed...