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14,227 results found

Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp Survey England 10K Grid 2013-2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the pest was...

Countryside Stewardship Scoring Woodland Priority Habitat Network England 2016/2017

This dataset was used for scoring Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications for Woodland Creation in England for 2016/17 where points were available for Biodiversity objectives....

Felling Licence Applications England

Felling Licence Application (FLA) areas approved by Forestry Commission England. Anyone wishing to fell trees must ensure that a licence or permission under a grant scheme has been issued by the...

National Forest Estate Roads England 2016

Compiled from Forest road network data managed by Forestry Civil Engineering. The data relates to forest road Classification. Forest Roads are categorised on the basis of intended usage (as...

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Species - Red Squirrel - Woodland Creation

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery. This layer is identical to that titled ‘CS WCM Biodiversity - Priority...

West Midlands Woodland Creation Grant Opportunity Areas 10/11 - 11/12

This dataset targeted the English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Creation Grant (WCG) Additional Contribution (AC) for 2010/2011 – 2011/2012 in locations where woodland creation was...

South West England Ward Forester Project Areas

The Ward Forester project is jointly funded by Devon County Council (DCC) and the Forestry Commission (FC) and is designed as a pilot to meet the need to bring woodland into management, engaging...

National Forest Estate Statutory Boundary for Forest of Dean

The Statutory Forest of Dean has existed since Norman times. Originally an area reserved for the King and his chosen few to hunt within, the Statutory Forest became defined as an area where the...

Woodland Grant Scheme 1 England

Description: The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provides incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission pays grants for establishing...

EWCO - Keeping Rivers Cool Riparian Buffers

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation where this will provide dappled shade to improve aquatic ecology by reducing summer water temperatures and benefiting...

Woodland Grant Scheme 3 England

The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provided incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission paid grants for establishing and looking...

Priority Places for England: 2016

The data is used to support the Woodland Carbon Fund, which was launched in 2016. The Forestry Commission identified Priority Places for England (PPE) areas based on data that includes populations,...

AddressBase Core

In this ever-changing environment you need to have confidence that you're using the latest and most up-to-date addressing data. AddressBase Core is released weekly, keeping you more up to date with...

OS Open Linked Identifiers

OS Open Linked Identifiers provides authoritative relationship between UPRNs, USRNs, TOIDs and meta data to enable reliable matching; for greater data connectivity. Authoritative relationships OS...

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Habitat Network

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery, where the layer indicates ‘High Spatial Priority’. ‘Higher’ and ‘Lower’...

English Woodland Grant Scheme Sub Compartments

The English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) was launched in 2005 and offered 6 grants for the creation and stewardship of woodlands. This dataset contains the sub-compartments that make up the EWGS...

Request for information (requisition) data

This dataset shows: * the 500 customers that send the most applications to us * the number and type of applications we receive and complete * how many requests for information we send to...

AddressBase Premium

Our flagship address database, AddressBase® Premium gives you the most up to date, accurate information about addresses, properties and land areas. You'll be more efficient - making it easier and...

Dedication Woodland Grant Scheme England

The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was introduced...

Forest Reproductive Materials Sites GB

Forest Reproductive Material (FRM) is the generic name for the seeds, cones, cuttings and planting stock used in forest establishment. The attributes of each polygon in this dataset are restricted...