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Natural England Area Teams

Natural England Area Team Patches and the 12 nautical miles offshore associated with those area teams that are also coastal. Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance...

Utility and government services - UK fishing intensity associated with oil and gas pipelines (2007-2015)

The layers provide information on the intensity of mobile fishing associated with Oil and Gas pipelines and cables. Each layer was created by calculating the total number of fishing tracks in 1 km...

2017 Marine Biological Association (MBA) Barn Pool Mount Edgcumbe Cornwall Crab Survey

Crab survey carried out by St Andrews Primary School Plymouth along with MBA staff. Part of the EU-funded Crab Watch project.

2012 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Yealm Estuary Transect Surveys for Crassostrea gigas

School students performed a transect survey at different shore heights on the Yealm estuary in order to record abundance and size of the invasive Crassostrea gigas.

2014 Marine Biological Association (MBA) Yealm River non-native species timed search

Timed searches undertaken by the Marine Biological Association (MBA) to search for non-native species in the Yealm Estuary. Searches primarily focused on the Pacific Oyster (Magallana gigas),...

2014 Marine Biological Association (MBA) Antony Lynher Estuary Transect Survey of Crassostrea gigas

Transect survey of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas at Antony on the south shore of St Germans, Lynher Estuary, Tamar, Cornwall.

2014 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (MBA) Bovisand Sandy Shore Box Cores

At Bovisand Bay work experince students took box cores and recorded the abundance of species found using SACFOR. Data were recorded for upper, middle and lower shore on 01/02/14 between 10:30-15:00

1907 - 1981 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) North East Atlantic Sipuncula Records

Records of UK siphuncuans collated on record cards by Peter Gibbs

2009-ongoing Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Batten Bay Corella eumyota survey

A series of MBA-run targeted searches for the Orange-Tipped Sea Squirt Corella eumyota at Batten Bay, Plymouth Devon

2004 Royal Haskoning Ltd Fal Estuary maerl and associated infauna core and grab survey

Survey to provide further information on the effects of maerl extraction on the cSAC. Core, grab and hoover extractions of maerl and infauna and particle size analysis. See '2004a Royal...

2018 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Coxside Beach Rangers timed search survey

The beach rangers conducted a 30 minute and a 15 minute timed survey of the rocky shore at Teats Hill recording the presence or absence of species they expected to find there

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (polygon) Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset is an extract of the polygon features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Police Disclosure Unit performance

Police performance in relation to DBS check applications each month for financial year 2015-16. It shows each police units Red, Amber and Green (RAG) status and the associated calculation used to...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (polyline) Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset is an extract of the linear features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Collections online

The database is an inventory of the Museum’s collection and aims to record what is known about it. It is primarily designed to support curatorial and research work, and much of the text is...

UK Marine Noise Registry Outputs for 2016

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2016 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

Register of quota holdings Fixed Quota Allocation (FQA register)

The FQA (Fixed Quota Allocation) Register is a list of fishing vessel licence and entitlement holders who hold FQA units. Details are given of the FQA units attributable to each licence and...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (polyline)

This dataset is an extract of the polyline features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (polygon)

This dataset is an extract of the polygon features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (point)

This dataset is an extract of the point features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...