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258 results found

Physical environment

Data showing the breakdown of the Physical Environment Domain in Plymouth. This material is Crown Copyright. You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or...

Article 4 Directions

An article 4 direction is made by the local planning authority. It restricts the scope of permitted development rights either in relation to a particular area or site, or a particular type of...

GM Metrolink Network

This mapping dataset represents the present-day operational ‘Metrolink’ network in Greater Manchester. Metrolink is an electrified passenger tramway, using standard gauge rail track (1435mm), and...

GM Public Transport Schedules – GTFS dataset

Data updated nightly. Public transport schedule data for all bus and Metrolink tram services within the Greater Manchester boundary. Regularly updated by TfGM. For details of what the data in...

Listed Buildings Northumberland

This web feature service (WFS) of Listed Buildings within Northumberland. Listed buildings are legally protected for their special architectural and/or historic interest. The older a building is,...

Article 4 Direction Areas Historic Environment

Areas whereby the Council can remove permitted development rights in order to preserve the character and amenity of an area, including the historic environment. These Directions are made by local...

TfGM Senior Salaries

Data contains details of TfGM’s senior salaries, as required for publication to satisfy TfGM’s voluntary compliance with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. (TfGM is not captured by the...

GM Cycle Parking

This data includes the location of cycle stands (e.g. Sheffield Stands) which are generally on-street. All data comes from the Local Authorities. The dataset is available in MapInfo .tab, Google...

GM Cycle Routes

Cycle routes in Greater Manchester, including on-road, off-road, and canal towpaths and National Cycle Network routes. Data provided by the GM local authorities. The dataset is available in...

Article 4 Directions

An article 4 direction is made by the local planning authority. It restricts the scope of permitted development rights either in relation to a particular area or site, or a particular type of...

Stockton on Tees Borough Council Listed Buildings

Listing helps us acknowledge and understand our shared history. It marks and celebrates a building's special architectural and historic interest, and also brings it under the consideration of the...

GM Cycle shops

This data came from a desktop study in 2011. Updates were provided by Local Authorities when the paper cycle maps were updated. This dataset was last revised in 2018, and is not up-to-date as bike...

Species point records from 1986-87 OPRU HRE Helford River survey

The Helford River is a small marine inlet in south Cornwall which was formed by the flooding of a river valley subsequent to the last ice age. Historically the waterway has long been associated...

Habitat point records from 1986-87 OPRU HRE Helford River survey

The Helford River is a small marine inlet in south Cornwall which was formed by the flooding of a river valley subsequent to the last ice age. Historically the waterway has long been associated...

Article 4 Direction Areas - Houses in Multiple Occupation

City-wide area within which permitted development rights have been removed for changes of use from C3 Dwellinghouses (family/single household occupancy dwellings) to C4 Houses in Multiple...

Conservation Areas Documentation

Conservation areas are those areas identified by the Local Planning Authority as having special architectural or historic interest which merits designation. Documentation including area character...

Tree Preservation Orders schedule items

The dataset contains polygons for Tree Preservation Order Schedule Items within the London Borough of Barnet. Tree Preservation Orders are made by the local planning authority to protect specific...

Article 4 Directions

Location of all Article 4 directions within the OMBC boundary. Article 4 Directions are issued by the Council where specific control over development is required, primarily where the character of...

Article 4 Directions

This dataset comprises polygon data used to record areas within Bristol subject to Article 4 Directions.National legislation allows for Directions under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning...

GM Accessibility Levels (GMAL)

Greater Manchester Accessibility Levels (GMAL) are a detailed and accurate measure of the accessibility of a point to both the conventional public transport network (i.e. bus, Metrolink and rail)...