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240 results found

Bird activity (amount, onset and offset) data recorded in the field using automated radio telemetry, Glasgow, UK, 2020-2021

This dataset contains information on activity parameters obtained from automated radiotelemetry data collected on individual birds of six passerine species (European robin, Eurasian blackbird,...

Soil functional measurements (enzymatic activities) across geo linked sampling locations, on grassland, UK (2016)

Data are presented of enzymatic activity of soil collected from paired intensive and extensive grassland systems including low and high pH parent soils, from 32 sites across the United Kingdom. The...

Diatom silica oxygen isotope and n-alkanoic acid hydrogen isotope composition of sediments from Lake Suigetsu, Japan (22,000 to 10,000 cal BP)

[This dataset is embargoed until February 1, 2025]. This dataset contains information about the stable oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of bulk diatom silica, and the compound-specific stable...

Pollinators in oilseed rape fields in relation to local plant diversity and landscape characteristics

The number and type of pollinators in winter-sown oilseed rape fields (Brassica napus L.) in relation to local plant diversity (in crop and field margin) and landscape characteristics. Pollinators...

Standardised counts of bacteria, fungi and micro eukaryotes abundances across geo-linked sampling locations on grassland, UK (2016)

The data consist of standardised counts of taxon abundances (bacteria, fungi and micro eukaryotes) from soil samples collected from paired intensive and extensive grassland systems, including low...

Natural enemies of crop pests in oilseed rape fields in relation to local plant diversity and landscape characteristics

The number and type of natural enemies of crop pests found in winter-sown oilseed rape fields (Brassica napus L.) in relation to local plant diversity (in crop and field margin) and landscape...

Porewater and microbial community properties of permeable riverbed sediments across the south of England, 2018

This dataset contains in-stream measurements of sediment porewater nutrients, nitrification rates (and the fraction which is either fully oxidised to nitrate or reduced to N2 gas), and the...

2003 - Ongoing, EIFCA, (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority), The Wash, Mussel Survey

Mussel surveys are carried out once a year during Autumn/Winter. Data is collected for stock assessments to inform fisheries management (opening times, Total Allowable Catch, which cockle beds to...

2003 - Ongoing, EIFCA, (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority), The Wash, Mussel Survey

Mussel surveys are carried out once a year during Autumn/Winter. Data is collected for stock assessments to inform fisheries management (opening times, Total Allowable Catch, which cockle beds to...

Farm scale evaluations of herbicide tolerant genetically modified crops - maize

This dataset consists of a range of ecological measurements collected from a set of arable fields, each sown with a combination of genetically modified and conventional maize crops. Measurements...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) spider and beetle abundance on salt marsh sites at Morecambe Bay and Essex

The dataset comprises the spider and beetle abundance sampled by suction sampling in each 1metre (m) x 1m quadrat. Sampling was conducted at six salt marsh sites at four spatial scales: 1 m (the...

Strain measurements on 21 trees in Wytham Woods, UK

This data contains the strain and wind data collected for 21 trees in Wytham Woods, a mature temperate woodland in southern England, from September 2015 to June 2016. This data was collected in...

Soil state and environmental parameters across geo-linked sampling locations on grassland, UK (2016)

Data are presented for soil state and environmental parameters of soil samples collected from paired intensive and extensive grassland systems, including low and high pH parent soils, from 32 sites...

Farm scale evaluations of herbicide tolerant genetically modified crops - beet

This dataset consists of a range of ecological measurements collected from a set of arable fields, each sown with a combination of genetically modified and conventional beet crops. Measurements...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) greenhouse gas fluxes in saltmarsh and mudflat habitats

The dataset details greenhouse gas fluxes as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) across six intertidal sites in the winter and summer of 2013. Three of the sites were in...

High spatial resolution seasonal distributions of faecally-derived waterborne and sediment bacteria in standing waters, Glasgow, UK, 2016-2017

This dataset contains information about water quality based on faecal indicators at 15 lakes in the Greater Glasgow conurbation, Scotland. Lakes were sampled in winter (2016/17) and summer (2017)...

Foraging behaviour of Parus major held in temporary captivity

The data set describes foraging decisions by great tits (Parus major), held in temporary captivity. Data were collected from birds caught from forest at the University of Jyväskylä Research...

Sustainable razor clam fishery 2013/14 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The fishing vessel *Harmoni *(MR7) was chartered to carry out experimental electro-fishing for razor clams. The aim of the survey was to establish whether a commercial fishery with this gear was...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) surface sediment water content in saltmarsh and mudflat habitats

The dataset details surface sediment water content across six intertidal sites in the winter and summer of 2013. Three of the sites were in Morecambe Bay, North West England and three of the sites...

Map based index (GeoIndex) landsat imagery

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows satellite data at different resolutions depending on the current map scale. At small scales, it is shown in generalised form with each pixel...