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736 results found

BRMAs showing LHA rates

This data sets out information on the size and shape of England's Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMAs) and the rates of Local Housing Allowance (LHA) set for that area. The notes below explain more...

20mph Speed Limit Areas

Areas in Calderdale which have a 20 mph speed limit. .Tab files (zipped) and .JSON files contain data which can be used in various Geographic information systems. Excel and CSV formats do...

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations 2016-17

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Barnet is committed to...

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations 2020-21

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Barnet is committed to...

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations 2019-20

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Barnet is committed to...

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations 2017-18

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Barnet is committed to...

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations 2018-19

Local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Barnet is committed to...

Green Job Postings

/\* Set a maximum width for text containers */ .text-container { max-width: 800px; /* Adjust the value as needed */ margin: auto; /* Center align the container */ line-height: 1.6; /* Adjust line...

Judicial College Learning Management System

Secure learning management system for all Judicial Office-holders to access online training materials, containing a history of their learning and development records including personal details of...

2012 - 2012 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Sea Angling 2012 - Shore and private boat survey

Data from the online shore and private boat UK anglers survey conducted by staff from the Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) within Sea Angling 2012 project.

Council Plan Consultation September 2015

York Council carried out a consultation with residents between September and October 2015 on what priorities should be within the "Council Plan". As part of the councils on-going commitment to...


[Green Belt]( ) \- The functions of the Green Belt are to: check the unrestricted sprawl of large...

Council Plan Consultation September 2019

York Council carried out a consultation between August and September 2019 where residents had the opportunity to feedback on eight city outcomes proposed for the 2019-23 Council Plan. They were...

Trade Marks Journal

Our trade mark journal contains full details of trade marks that have been accepted or are awaiting registration. It is published each Friday and is available online or to download in PDF or as an...

Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMA)

This data sets out information on the size and shape of England's Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMAs). The information comes from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and is available online at...

The Experience of Mutual Aid in London

We developed a survey for mutual aid groups which asked questions about the number of participants, activities they were carrying out, challenges they faced, what worked well, resources they found...

Marine Designated Site Features Open Data (England)

This dataset contains a collation of marine habitat and species biotope records created during contracts commissioned by Natural England; collected by Defra and associated bodies/agencies; or...

FOI Requests

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) requires all public authorities, including councils, to be open with information. The Act gives a general right to access to all types of recorded...

Openspace - Rural

[Openspace rural – Rural Open Space]( The Council’s main objectives for open space, sport and...

Openspace - Urban

[Openspace urban – Urban Open Space.]( The Council’s main objectives for open space, sport and...