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309 results found

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1523, Dover Strait Routine Resurvey 2016, (26/07/2016 to 05/08/2016)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1523; Dover Strait...

Hypo-Lias: Hydrocarbon potential of the Lias

The original Phase 1 Hypo-Lias report was commissioned by a small group of industry sponsors and remains confidential to that group until 2019. The initial phase of the project was primarily...

2007 Envision Mapping Morecambe Bay Mapping the marine habitats

Report designed to assist Natural England (NE) with decision making concerning the designation of new marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). This report focuses on the proposed outer...

2007 Envision Mapping Morecambe Bay Mapping the marine habitats

Report designed to assist Natural England (NE) with decision making concerning the designation of new marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). This report focuses on the proposed outer...

London NHS Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI) performance report

The number of Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAIs) reported by London NHS hospitals and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). The data focuses on two types of infections- meticillin-resistant...

FCA: Retirement income market data 2018/19

The FCA has been collecting data on the retirement income market since April 2015. The data enable the FCA to monitor developments in the market, for example, to gain insights into what action...

Interspecific communication in African savannah herbivores

This dataset contains information about various aspects of the alarm communication network of African savannah herbivores. Data were collected in April 2015 and between September 2015 and October...

London Learner Survey

From 1 August 2019, the Secretary of State for Education delegated responsibility for the commissioning, delivery and management of London’s Adult Education Budget (AEB) to the Mayor of...

2023, Marine Spatial Planning Addressing Climate Effects (MSPACE) UK EEZ climate change hotspots/refugia shapefiles

These shapefiles show the locations of climate change hotspots and climate change refugia in the UK EEZ, as identified from spatial meta-analysis conducted as part of the Marine Spatial Planning...

2023, Marine Spatial Planning Addressing Climate Effects (MSPACE) UK EEZ climate change hotspots/refugia shapefiles

These shapefiles show the locations of climate change hotspots and climate change refugia in the UK EEZ, as identified from spatial meta-analysis conducted as part of the Marine Spatial Planning...

FCA operating service metrics 2021/22

The FCA provides information about the timeliness of its operating service metrics (formerly known as service standards) in a range of areas. For transparency it reports on both internal and...

Wireline logging and core analysis datasets collected from Swanworth Quarry and Metherhills boreholes during the NERC funded Rapid Global Geological Events (RGGE) project.

This dataset contains the collated wireline logs, stratigraphy and core analysis of the three boreholes drill as part of the publicly funded Rapid Global Geological Events Project (RGGE) which ran...

More than just education: A Participatory Action Research project on adult education in London

This is a Toynbee Hall report on adult education commissioned by the Greater London Authority (GLA) to inform the preparation of the Mayor’s Skills Roadmap for London. For this project Toynbee Hall...

Inequalities and Environmental Action

This report and dataset were commissioned by the Greater London Authority, and produced by Centric Lab to uncover the work of community groups that connect with environmental issues in Hackney,...

Adults' media use and attitudes

The Adults' Media Use and Attitudes report is published as part of Ofcom's media literacy duties. It provides data on adults' media use and attitudes across TV, radio, games, mobile and the...

Tree and shrub vegetation surveys in Monks Wood National Nature Reserve, Cambridgeshire, England, 2005-2006

Vegetation surveys from 35 transects in 2005 and 34 transects in 2006, focusing on tree and shrub abundance and sizes, in Monks Wood National Nature Reserve (Cambridgeshire, England). The transects...

BGS LithoFrame 3D geological models

BGS LithoFrame models provide 3D geological characterisation for parts of the onshore and offshore UK at a range of scales. They present framework geological interpretation consistent with the...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Flexible CCS operations combined with online solvent monitoring: A pilot-scale study, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Flexible CCS operations combined with online solvent monitoring: A pilot-scale study was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London,...

ACSOE OXICOA - TACIA Joint Programme: Airborne Gas Photochemistry Measurements Data from onboard the MRF C-130 in 1996 and 1997

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

ACSOE OXICOA - TACIA Joint Programme: Airborne Gas Photochemistry Measurements Data from onboard the MRF C-130 in 1996 and 1997

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...