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10,002 results found

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...

Annual Reports

A report on the SFO's work during each financial year is published for presentation to Parliament by the Attorney General each year.

Observations from the International Phenology Garden at Alice Holt, Hampshire (2005-2015)

These data are the annual records of observations of phenological phases of plants in the International Phenology Garden (IPG) at Alice Holt, Hampshire. The IPG network consists of replicated...

Prompt Payment Data

Requirement to publish percentage of our invoices paid within i) 5 Days and ii) 30 Days on a quarterly basis.

OFT Non-consolidated performance related pay - 2010-11

The Office of Fair Trading has published data on non consolidated performance related pay for the performance year 2010-11.

Chevening Scholarships

These dataset gives details for the monthly stipend payable to FCO Chevening Scholars when studying in the UK from overeseas.

The National Archives - ICT Contracts

This spreadsheet lists all our current information and communications technology (ICT) contracts. Details of new ICT contracts will be published as they are signed.

UKTI programme spend

The government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so the public can more easily see how and where taxpayers’ money is being spent and hold politicians, government departments...

UK Overseas Trade Statistics

This publication provides details of the overseas trade in goods statistics (OTS) of the United Kingdom (UK) which are published as National Statistics by HM Revenue and Customs. The OTS are a...

Crown Prosecution Service workforce diversity data 2010-2011

This dataset consists of various breakdowns of the CPS workforce according to diversity strands, e.g. ethnicity, gender, disability etc. This data is published annually.

Crown Prosecution Service workforce diversity data 2009-2010

This dataset consists of various breakdowns of the CPS workforce according to diversity strands, e.g. ethnicity, gender, disability etc. This data is published annually.

Crown Prosecution Service workforce diversity data 2008-2009

This dataset consists of various breakdowns of the CPS workforce according to diversity strands, e.g. ethnicity, gender, disability etc. This data is published annually.

Childcare providers and inspections as at 31 March 2019

This release, published on 18 June 2019, includes registered childcare providers and places, inspection outcomes, and joiners and leavers as at 31 March 2019.

Testing shoot cold hardiness in Eucalyptus (Daneshill energy plantation 2007)

Several studies on growing eucalyptus in Britain have been undertaken over the last 25 years. All recognise the potential for establishing this species as a valuable forest crop while stressing...

Food Standards Agency spending controls - approved exemptions

As part of the government's commitment to greater transparency, the FSA publishes quarterly data summaries of expenditure approvals for ICT, advertising and marketing, recruitment, property and...

HM Revenue & Customs Board Members' Business Expenses

Information on business expenses incurred by HMRC's Board members. HMRC publishes information about business expenses incurred by HMRC Board Members, on a quarterly basis.

Enabling a Natural Capital Approach

These datasets form part of Defra’s Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA) resource. The Services and Assets Databooks together collate around 400 UK data sources, tools and studies for 8...

All GPC Transparency Reports

The Food Standards Agency publishes all Government procurement card (GPC) transactions. This supports the Government's drive for transparency and the Agency's own core value of openness and...

Flooding Data in North Hull 2007

The catalog/data-sets was developed in the context of an ecosystem services pilot study with North Hull being the study area . The first part of the catalog/data-sets shows that during the severe...

Departmental Reports

A report on the SFO's expenditure plans and performance is presented to Parliament each year by the Attorney General and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury and published as part of the...