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Health Trust Reference Costs 2017-18

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Reference Costs 2015-16

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Reference Costs 2016-17

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Reference Costs 2014-15

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Reference Costs 2013-14

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Index of Labour Costs per Hour (experimental)

Measures changes in the average labour costs per hour worked. Also known as Labour Costs Index (LCI). Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Experimental Official...

Price Index Numbers for Current Cost Accounting

A business monitor divided into four different tables and containing detailed indices for revaluation of assets and stocks. It is a comprehensive guide to capital replacement costs. Source agency:...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Child Trust Funds

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Payroll Giving

Provides annual information on the number of donors, amounts donated and cost of relief for the payroll giving scheme. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Charitable...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Property Transactions

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Pensions

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Inheritance Tax

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Income tax statistics and distributions

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Enterprise investment scheme

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Corporate Tax

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Charitable donations and tax relief

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Capital Gains Tax

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Tax expenditures and ready reckoners

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Venture Capital Trusts

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Personal incomes

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...