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Environmental Regulations Unit Database

A list of all stakeholders (trade associations, companies, NGOs, consultants, law firms and individuals) that have requested to be kept updated on the environmental regulations for which BIS has...

Percentage of MPs' letters responded to within service standard

The number of letters received by UK Visas & Immigration from Members of Parliament and the number and proportion that were completed within the service standards set by the Cabinet Office....

DFID Pakistan Floods Monitor

Information about response to Pakistan floods. The dataset contains types of UK aid funding by sector (eg nutrition, water, health), UK aid by allocation to partners, and the top 20 global donors...


Code-Point® precisely locates 1.7 million postcode units in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Each unit contains an average of 15 adjoining addresses. For direct marketers, Code-Point® helps you...

% of residents who agree that York is a safe city to live in, relatively free from crime and violence - Agree (All Responses)

% of residents who agree that York is a safe city to live in, relatively free from crime and violence - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued

Parliamentary Questions Register

A list of questions raised by MPs on the Technology Strategy Board (TSB). This identifies the MP making the question, the question asked and the workflow event dates in the creation of responses...

CAP Scheme Payments including the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) made to UK beneficiaries 2009

Amounts received by UK beneficiaries under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The information is published annually (30th April) to meet the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No...

Department of Transport Information Asset Register

The department’s Information Asset Register (IAR) is a table of information relating to the important datasets that the department is responsible for. These information assets are managed in line...

Seedling growth responses to experimental soil warming in a tropical forest, Panama, 2016-2022

Growth parameters for tree seedlings in a lowland tropical forest in Panama, subject to experimental soil warming. The experiment is situated at the Soil Warming Experiment in Lowland Tropical...

A time-series of strains in response to wind measured on 19 trees in Danum Valley, Malaysia

Strain data measured on the trunks of nineteen trees in the Danum Valley, Malaysia. It also contains wind speed data measured using anemometers attached to emergent trees nearby. This data can be...

Algal primary production of Welsh upland rivers in response to organic matter addition (2013)

These data are algal production values in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to riparian deciduous leaf addition. Eight sampling reaches...

Benthic organic matter of Welsh upland rivers in response to organic matter addition (2013)

These data are benthic organic matter stocks of coarse and fine particulate organic matter in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to...

Insect population dynamics, parasitism and behaviour in response to different spectra of artificial light at night

The datasets contain insect numbers, plant biomass, successful attacks of parasitoids, and behavioural response of parasitoids. The data are based on direct observations of insects and plants in...

Macroinvertebrate leaf decomposers in response to organic matter addition to streams in the Welsh uplands (2013)

These data are macroinvertebrate composition and abundance in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to riparian deciduous leaf addition....

Population responses of honeybees to oilseed rape neonicotinoid seed treatments in Hungary, Germany and the UK

The data set describes the effects of three neonicotinoid seed treatments (clothianidin, thiamethoxam and a control) applied to winter sown oilseed rape in Hungary, Germany and the UK on honeybees...


*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** A building is defined as basic information about the physical characteristics of the building. A property may consist of a single building or many buildings,...

BEIS: Civil Service people survey

The survey shows overall staff engagement index and responses by the following themes: my work organisational objectives and purpose my manager my team learning and development inclusion and...

Meteorological data collected at Rogate (2009-2014)

In response to widespread concern that air pollution could affect forest condition, the International Co-operative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests...

Meteorological data collected at Llyn Brianne (2009-2014)

In response to widespread concern that air pollution could affect forest condition, the International Co-operative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests...

Meteorological data collected at Coalburn (2009-2014)

In response to widespread concern that air pollution could affect forest condition, the International Co-operative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests...