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Habitat point records from 1982 OPRU Skomer littoral survey

This report describes the major littoral habitats and selected special sites together with their communities around Skomer Island and the adjacent Marloes peninsula. The information is provided in...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B4, Pressure from climate change - spring index

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B4, Pressure from climate change - spring index. Phenology is the study of the timing of recurring natural events in relation...

National Archives - Calls to the Contact Centre 2019-20

The Contact Centre is the First Point of Contact (FPoC) for all general enquiries, for the public and members of staff by telephone. It provides information on records and services alike, and...

Destinations of undergraduate leavers from higher education at alternative providers in England 2015/16

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides details of the destinations of undergraduate leavers from higher education at alternative providers (APs) in England that have successfully completed...

Seasonal agricultural calendars presenting activities per month for farmers in Malawi, April-May 2019

The dataset provides transcripts from focus groups in Salima, Mangochi and Zomba (Malawi). The focus groups' discussions focused on important monthly agricultural activities in association with the...

Street Address

The Street Address Feature Type provides street address information for any road, footpath, cycleway, byway, or bridleway that has been uniquely identified by the local Highway Authority, or Street...

Groundwater monitoring data following 2016-2017 extreme rainfall and floods in the Gaborone catchment, Upper Limpopo basin, Botswana

The dataset contains borehole groundwater levels and physico-chemical parameters for the period May 2017 to June 2018 including; (1) near-monthly measurements of water table depth, groundwater...

Extremal forecast of latitude, longitude and intensity of the geomagnetic dipole between 2019 and 2119 (NERC Grant NE/P016758/1)

This dataset contains extremal forecast of latitutude (lat), longitude (lon) and intensity of the geomagnetic dipole between 2019 and 2119. The geomagnetic dipole is evolved by a fluid flow at the...

Expenditure in May 2023

No description provided

Expenditure in April 2023

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Payments in excess of £25,000 which have been made to our suppliers in April 2022

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Crown Prosecution Service Annual Report Data 2009-2010/Regional Expenditure 2010

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Ofqual organogram, January 2022 SCS and Junior Data

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NCA Organogram

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Public Contracts Regulations 2015 - The National Archives

Under r113 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, statutory guidance is provided for contracting authorities and suppliers on paying undisputed invoices in 30 days down the supply chain. The...

Species point records from 1995 OPRU Milford Haven littoral rock monitoring

Thirty one transect sites were chosen on rocky shores in Milford Haven. Each transect had up to twenty one stations (mostly around twelve stations). The stations are at 60 cm height intervals down...

Habitat point records from 1995 OPRU Milford Haven littoral rock monitoring

Thirty one transect sites were chosen on rocky shores in Milford Haven. Each transect had up to twenty one stations (mostly around twelve stations). The stations are at 60 cm height intervals down...

Food and You biennial consumer survey (2010, 2012, 2014)

The Food and You survey provides information about reported behaviours, attitudes and knowledge relating to food issues. It provides data on people’s reported food purchasing, storage, preparation,...

Betting and Gaming Bulletin

Provides a full historic series of data detailing the amount of revenue collected from betting and gaming. In addition the bulletin provides information on duty rates with notes and commentary on...

National Archives - Calls to the Contact Centre

The Contact Centre is the First Point of Contact (FPoC) for all general enquiries, for the public and members of staff by telephone. It provides information on records and services alike, and...