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2,035 results found

National Diabetes Audit: Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia, Diabetes Prevention Programme

The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) is a joint commitment from NHS England & Improvement, Public Health England (now Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) and Diabetes UK...

Fire statistics: Fire prevention and protection

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

People supported to live independently through social services PREVENTION - (Snapshot)

People supported to live independently through social services PREVENTION - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued.

Homelessness assessment (initial decision) - Threatened with homelessness - prevention duty owed - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (initial decision) - Threatened with homelessness - prevention duty owed - (YTD)

National Diabetes Audit - Diabetes Prevention Programme, 2017-18 Diagnoses and Demographics

The information available from this webpage comes from the National Diabetes Audit - Diabetes Prevention Programme report. The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) is a joint commitment...

Council Performance

Our Corporate Performance Report contains Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) focussing on exceptions; indicators which clearly have a significant change in performance. The report includes the top...

Number of households for whom positive action has prevented homelessness - (YTD)

Number of households for whom positive action has prevented homelessness - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued


Resource showing Colchester Borough Council's strategic plan, performance & improvement framework, statement of accounts and other relevant information


Resource showing Colchester Borough Council's strategic plan, performance & improvement framework, statement of accounts and other relevant information

Wycombe fraud prevention

Information about counter benefit fraud work.

Homelessness Cases Prevented

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - KI H3 These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end

Homelessness Cases Prevented

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - KI H3 These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end

Planning Performance

Data showing planning performance by year and type of application in Plymouth.

Tobacco Strategy Performance Pack (TSDG) Performance Pack

Tobacco Strategy Performance Pack reports. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2007/08, 2009/10, 2008/09

Payment performance

The payment performance dataset relates to Ofwat's invoices and how quickly they are paid


Public performance measure (PPM) measures the number of trains reaching their final destination 'on time'. On time is defined as within five minutes for regional and London and South East trains,...

Customer Services Performance

The attached report provides information regarding Customer Service Performance. The first tab provides information on the Key Performance Indicators and other Performance Indicators The...

Under 75 mortality rate from causes considered preventable (2019 definition) (Persons, 3 year range)

Under 75 mortality rate from causes considered preventable (2019 definition) (Persons, 3 year range)

BBC performance tracker

The BBC performance tracker provides Ofcom with an evidence base to assess audience opinions on the BBC’s performance against its delivery of four public purposes.

Performance figures

Performance figures for the DBS service - covering the disclosure and barring side of the business and updated on a regular basis.