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787 results found

Ministry of Justice - Non-consolidated Performance Related Payments

Details of non-consolidated performance related payments (NCPRPs) awarded to staff in the Ministry of Justice and its agencies for the performance years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. 2010-2011...

Police grant reports

Sets out the Home Secretary’s determination for 2009/10 of the aggregate amount of grants that she proposes to pay under section 46(2) of the Police Act 1996, and the amount to be paid to the...

School destinations of secondary school pupils resident in London Local Authorities

Several datasets on pupil residence and school destinations for London Boroughs. Includes LA Destinations of secondary school pupils resident in London, cross border movement of secondary school...

Northern Ireland Office (NIO): Special Advisers’ Gifts, Hospitality and Meetings- April to June 2021

Data on gifts and hospitality received by special advisers and meetings they attended with senior media figures. Northern Ireland Office (NIO) publishes details of special advisers’ meetings with...

Guests to Chevening

his return includes guests who have received official hospitality at Chevening, excluding officials and special advisers. It does not include those receiving hospitality paid for personally by the...

Housing Benefit

Housing Benefit is available to help people pay their rent if they are on a low income. How much is paid depends on income and circumstances. The local council pays the benefit. The data includes...

HPI: Physical morbidity

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Physical morbidity: Proportion of the working age population claiming Incapacity Benefit for various groups of conditions Source: Department of Health...

Prompt Payment Reporting for Capital for Enterprise Ltd

Percentages and volumes of supplier invoices paid withing government guidelines.

Redress Payments

Amount paid in redress over the last 5 financial years

Fire statistics: Response times

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

Fire statistics: temporal and seasonal

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

Fire statistics: Cause of fire

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

Regional Benefit Expenditure

GB Regional benefit expenditure for Attendance Allowance, Bereavement Benefit/Widows Benefit, Carers Allowance, Council Tax benefit, Disability Living Allowance, Housing Benefit, Incapacity...

Disability Living Allowance

Disability Living Allowance is paid to qualifying customers who become disabled before the age of 65. Data is produced on a monthly basis and contains individual level information. The data...

BEIS Prompt Payment Data

These datasets represent the percentage of invoices paid by the Department within 5 and 30 days of receipt. The data is shown in yearly quarters as required by Public Contracts Regulation...

UK Sport Prompt Payment Data

Prompt Payment reporting on number of invoices paid within 5 and 30 days

Bus Service Operators Grant Claims

Database held on ETHOS used to calculate Bus Service Operators Grant for payment to bus operators. Operator details held are company address, vendor number, contact telephone number and email...

A&E weekly data

The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...

Hospital Activity Data

Monthly activity data relating to elective and non-elective inpatient admissions (or first finished consultant episodes FFCEs) and outpatient referrals and attendances for first consultant...

Tenancy Deposit Scheme

Registers instances where short hold tenancy deposits have been paid to holding organisation