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421 results found

Species point records from 1977-79 SWBSS Grassholm, Skomer & Marloes Peninsula survey

Surveys of nearshore sublittoral ecosystems were carried out at Skomer in August 1977, Grassholm in June 1979 and on the Marloes Peninsula near Martins Haven in July 1979. The Skomer surveys were...

Habitat point records from 1986 Bishop Scilly Isles Echinus population study

Echinus esculentus, normally the subject of a small scale commercial fishery in the Isles of Scilly during the winter months, was not collected during the winter of 1985/86. This report presents...

Habitat point records from 1977-79 SWBSS Grassholm, Skomer & Marloes Peninsula survey

Surveys of nearshore sublittoral ecosystems were carried out at Skomer in August 1977, Grassholm in June 1979 and on the Marloes Peninsula near Martins Haven in July 1979. The Skomer surveys were...

Water Vole Risk Zones - East Anglia

This dataset identifies areas where the predicted distribution of water voles and has been categorised into zones relating to water vole occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to...

GPs' staff

This file contains GP staff member details. It normally consists of doctors, nurses and general practice administrators. GMC number field is only applicable to doctors.

Survey : TELL/05/1970 (part of CEFAS Historic surveys)

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the CEFAS Historic surveys; Station and biological data collected during research surveys carried out by Cefas (formerly Directorate of Fisheries)...

Map based index (GeoIndex) UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) series 1:250000 Geological Maps

This layer of the Map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of available UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) series 1:250000 geological maps. These maps display Bedrock, Quaternary (Superficial...

London NHS Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) activity

London NHS Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) activity. The workbook includes information at aggregated pan-London level, and individual HASU level, on the following: Number of beds in...

Sefton Brownfield Land Register 2017

The Council is required by Government to produce a Brownfield Land Register. The purpose of the register is to identify suitable brownfield sites that are available for housing development or...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Codebook 2020-21

The Revenue Codebook contains data related to the Council's budgeted non-capital expenditure for 2020/2021. The data can be filtered by spending type.

Social Integration by Borough

Percent who agree that their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together. This question is asked in the Public Attitudes Survey (PAS). The PAS is run by the...

Register of Geographic Codes (June 2020) for the UK (V2)

The Register of Geographic Codes (RGC) is a key product that contains the definitive list of UK statistical geographies. ONS maintains the definitive set of statistical geographies, coordinates the...

Stockton on Tees Borough Council Listed Buildings

Listing helps us acknowledge and understand our shared history. It marks and celebrates a building's special architectural and historic interest, and also brings it under the consideration of the...

Timeliness of reporting and processing births and movements and deaths between 1 January 2006 and 30 June 2006

This dataset contains information on Birth movements only, Normal ON and OFF movements only, death movement type only, as reported to the Rural Payments Agency. Attribution statement: © Rural...

Vacant and Derelict Land Audit - Fife

Dataset provides details of the location and description of vacant and or derelict land. This is previously developed land that is available for redevelopment. There would normally be a physical...

Map based index (GeoIndex) 1:50000 series paper geological map availability

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the availability of 1:50000 series paper geological maps. For England and Wales (and Northern Ireland), map sheets normally cover an area 30 km...

Basildon Council Publication of Senior Salary Information

Regulation 4 of the Accounts and Audit (Amendment No 2 ) (England) regulations 2009 introduced a legal requirement for reporting remuneration of senior employees to increase the transparency and...

Shared houses (2001 Census)

Shared Houses: A household's accommodation (a household space) is defined as being in a shared dwelling if it has accommodation type 'part of a converted or shared house', not all the rooms...

Class 4 MOT Results by Make and Model 2007

Normal, Completed, MOT test results for Class 4 Vehicles in 2007, by vehicle make, model and year of first use. Also included are the number of tests with one or more advisory, prs or fail type...

SDNPA - Article 4 Directions

An Article 4 Direction is a special planning regulation adopted by a Local Planning Authority to provide additional powers of planning control in a particular location. It operates by removing...