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414 results found

Mineral Consultation Areas

Devon Minerals Local Plan 2004 sets out Minerals Consultation Areas. These generally cover mineral development sites such as quarries and mineral transportation / processing infrastructure. Any...

Mineral sites

This data gives indicative boundaries of the current and former sites with planning permission for minerals development in Worcestershire known to the County Council. It is intended to assist in...

Mineral Permissions

Permitted mineral sites

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Mineral Safeguarding Areas as defined in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan Adopted 12 September 2012. It is important to protect essential mineral infrastructure and safeguard mineral resources...

Mineral Safeguarding

Mineral Safeguarding information within Rutland

Mineral Safeguarding Zones

Milton Keynes Council is the Minerals Planning Authority (MPA) for the Borough. As the MPA, Milton Keynes Council has prepared a new Minerals Local Plan (MLP) in line with the National Planning...

Minerals Safeguarding Area

Minerals Safeguarding Areas (MSAs) provide for the safeguarding of proven mineral resources which are, or may become, of economic importance from unnecessary sterilisation by non-mineral...

Minerals Safeguarding Areas

inerals are a non-renewable resource, minerals safeguarding is the process of ensuring that non-minerals development does not needlessly prevent the future extraction of mineral resources, of local...

Minerals Safeguarding Areas

This data is defined by The Minerals Plan. It meets aggregate requirements and protects mineral resources across Greater Manchester until to 2028. Areas of Search and Mineral Safeguarding Areas...

Minerals Local Plan

The Minerals Local Plan was prepared by the former Cornwall County Council and was to be the Cornwall Minerals Local Plan for the period to the year 2011. It sets out the Council's detailed land...

Mineral Consultation Areas

Minerals Consultation Areas are defined to ensure that the Mineral Planning Authority is informed of significant development proposals which may adversely affect minerals resources and has the...

Mineral Consultation Areas

Minerals Consultation Areas are defined to ensure that the Mineral Planning Authority is aware of and involved in the determination of development proposals which may impact upon identified...

Mineral Occurrences Database

Dataset of mineral occurrences in the UK including locations of known mines, mineral showings and localities, including sites where minerals of economic interest have been identified in panned...


This is an extract of ArcGIS created polygons showing mineral information for areas within the borough of Ashford, Kent


An area identified in order to ensure consultation between the relevant District Planning Authority, the Minerals Industry and Durham County Council before certain non-mineral planning...

Mineral Consultation Areas

Mineral consultation areas

Mineral Safeguarding Zones

Mineral safeguarding zones in Milton Keynes

Mineral Prospecting Applications

**As of 13th January 2025 there are seven Mineral Prospecting Applications.** **Please see for Active Licences.** This dataset...

DNPA Mineral Extraction Areas

Dataset originates from mapping held by Devon County Council in relation to Minerals Consultation Areas (subsequently Minerals Safeguarding Areas) - taken on by DNPA as legislative change made DNPA...

Staffordshire Mineral Safeguard Areas

Safeguarded mineral deposits identified under Policy 3 of the Adopted Staffordshire Minerals Local 2015-30.