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Adult Community Statistics

The report presents information on activity for all Programmes of Care gathered from HSC Trusts including comparisons over the past 5 years for the main activities. All information included in this...

Local Authority

*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** This service uses Local Authority data from the electronic Property Mapping Service (e-PIMS). In most cases this is linear, showing the location of an asset...

Grants for the Arts Awards - Arts Council England

Hard commitments awarded to successful grant applicants. Dataset includes unique reference number, name of recipient, project name, amount awarded, date of award, region, local authority,...

Comparison of original and final budgets 2009-10

Comparison of outturn information with final plans by department for 2009-10, taken from snapshots 31 and 11 (Main Estimate outturn snapshot April 2010 and Spring Supplementary Estimates plans...

NI 152 - Working age people on out-of-work benefits

This indicator measures the percentage of the working age population who are claiming out of work benefits. Working age benefits include the main out-of-work client group categories (unemployed...

NHS Payments to General Practice

NHS Payments to General Practice in England, analysed by individual provider of general practice services and main payment category. The main payment categories include Global Sum, the Minimum...


On-going programme of digitising the Museum's entire collection or c.80m specimens and making publicly available in the main through (due to be published January 2015) and

Patient safety incidents (CCGOIS 5.1)

For each of a CCG’s five main providers, this indicator shows the rate of Patient Safety incidents per 1,000 total provider bed days. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Mar-18

Orchard Fruit Survey

The Orchard Fruit Survey gathers data on the tree area of commercial orchards for the main varieties of orchard fruit. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National...

Statistics on Community Care for Adults in Northern Ireland

The report presents information on activity for all Programmes of Care gathered from HSC Trusts including comparisons over the past 5 years for the main activities. All information included in this...

Service Manpower Data

This is a front end to a database containing all service personnel recorded on JPA. The system contains snapshots of data from April 2006 to the present. It is used for producing statistics on the...

Winter Fuel Payments made to individuals living in EEA countries

Statistics on Winter Fuel Payments made to customers (who qualified before leaving the UK) living in European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland by country. Data from 2002/3 to 2009/2010 will...

Green Homes Grant Voucher and Installation statistics

These official statistics monitor the delivery of measures through the Green Homes Grant (GHG) voucher scheme. Our tables provide analysis on the measures installed and households receiving...

UK greenhouse gas emissions: local authority and regional

The UK produces a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by Local Authority area as a subset of its annual inventory of greenhouse gas emissions. The nationally available data sets begin in 2005....

Diffuse CO2 degassing data from three campaigns across the Main Ethiopian Rift (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

Diffuse CO2 degassing data from three campaigns across the Main Ethiopian Rift. Data are referenced in Hunt et al., 2017: Spatially variable CO2 degassing in the Main Ethiopian Rift: Implications...

NI 54: Parental experiences of services provided to disabled children

This publication sets out the main findings from the second national sample survey of parents of disabled children in England. This was conducted between July and November 2009 on the Department's...

Public spending outturn series

Time series data going back five years using the full year outturn, showing trend information, taken from snapshot 31 (Main Estimates outturn snapshot April 2010). This is consistent with the...

Total Numbers accepted as being homeless and in priority need

Local authorities' action under the homelessness provisions of the 1985 & 1996 Housing Acts, by district. This includes statistics on: Households accepted as being homeless and in prioirty...

Households accommodated by the local authority

Local authorities' action under the homelessness provisions of the 1985 & 1996 Housing Acts, by district. This includes statistics on: Households accepted as being homeless and in prioirty...

Homelessness: Total decisions made

Local authorities' action under the homelessness provisions of the 1985 & 1996 Housing Acts, by district. This includes statistics on: Households accepted as being homeless and in prioirty...