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2,492 results found

Braid and Main Network Contribution

Network contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average rainfall and 5 meter...

Braid and Main Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Mendip District Council Main Town Settlements

Location of Main Town settlements within the Mendip District Council local authority area

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY THIS ITEM. This item is managed by the ArcGIS Hub application. To make changes to this site, please visit

Number of Incidents of ASB within the city centre ARZ

Number of Incidents of ASB within the city centre ARZ. This measure gives an understanding of the impacts of Anti-Social Behaviour on Leisure and Culture, and therefore the "attractiveness" of...

Homelessness main duty (decision) - Total - (YTD) (new definition from 2018/19)

Homelessness main duty (decision) - Total - (YTD) (new definition from 2018/19)

Bristol City Council Land and Building Assets

This dataset comprises all land and building assets owned, used and/or managed by Bristol City Council, with the exception of individual social housing units, in accordance with the requirements of...

Senior salary count for Bristol City Council

The number of employees paid an annual salary of £50,000 and above shown in bands of £5,000.

Bristol City Council Social Housing Valuations

Please note this data is released every September: This valuation data provides information relating to the market value of social housing assets within the Housing Revenue Account. These...

Oxford City Council spending over £500

Oxford City Council spending over £500

Birmingham City Council Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by the local planning authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The principal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the: cutting down, uprooting,...

Portsmouth City Council - Public Rights of Way

Extract from Portsmouth City Council's Definitive Public Rights of Way map.

Southampton City Council INSPIRE WFS service

Southampton City Council INSPIRE OGC WFS (download) service. Upon accessing this licensed data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE...

Southampton City Council INSPIRE WMS Service

Southampton City Council INSPIRE OGC WMS (view) service. Upon accessing this licensed data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE...

Allotments in Oxford City Council Administrative Area

Allotments in Oxford City

Wellbeing Survey 2015 - Plymouth City Council

A CSV file containing the results of the wellbeing survey undertaken by the Public Health department at Plymouth City Council. The survey contains various questions and is split by ward. For...

Bristol City Council Open Election Data

Bristol City Council Election results from1995 to the present. These pages were developed using methodology creating by the Open Election Data project

Derby City Council Land and Building Assets

Dataset of Land and Building Assets owned or leased by Derby City Council for the Local Government Transparency Code....

Norwich City Council Expenditure Exceeding £500

Expenditure exceeding £500.

Peterborough City Council - Firework licence holders

Peterborough City Council firework licence-registration holders - type 3 and 4 explosives