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715 results found

Hospital admissions: Accidents

Hospital episodes: Serious accidental injury relating to hospital admissions Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) -...

Learning from the Neighbourhood Agreements Pathfinder Programme

Underlying data for research paper which sets out several suggestions that will help those interested in developing a Neighbourhood Agreement approach in their local area. In particular it provides...

ESF Provision for Families with Multiple Problems

The first release of statistics on the DWP European Social Fund Provision for Families with Multiple Problems. Comprises attachments, progress measures and sustained job outcomes. Source agency:...

Effect of ozone on modern clover cultivars

Data includes impacts on root nodule biomass, stomatal conductance, injury rates, and N-fixation in the white clover cultivar (T. repens cv. crusader). An ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in...

Work Programme Official Statistics

Statistics to show the number of referrals, attachments, job outcomes & sustainment payments to the Work...

Welfare to self-employment: research sample

Underlying data for the research sample a report on research exploring how Government self-employment programmes can most effectively and efficiently enable unemployed people to enter sustainable...

Small Woodland Management Plans

Boundaries of land captured as part of small woodland management plan processing. The small woodland management plan template has been created to help encourage and support owners of small...

Compensation claims by compensator and type

Compensation claims made in year by compensator in relation to personal injury claims, with personal injury case type noted.

Biofuel Statistics Quarterly

Contains data on fuel volumes and RTFCs issued and transferred for the year to April 2012 and on the carbon and sustainability of renewable fuel to which RTFCs have been issued for the last quarter...

Hospital Estates and Facilities Statistics

The data provides a central source of information on the estates and facilities services in the NHS. It covers such aspects as the size of the estate, quality of its buildings, energy efficiency...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2021) EN BUC (V2)

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, in England, as at April 2021.The boundaries available are: (BUC) Ultra generalised (500m) -...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2018) Names and Codes in EN

A file containing the names and codes of sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) in England as at 1st April 2018.  (File size - 16KB)Field Names - STP18CD, STP18NMField Types - Text,...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2020) Names and Codes in EN

A file containing the names and codes of sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) in England as at 1st April 2020.  (File size - 16KB)Field Names - STP20CD, STP20CDH, STP20NM, FIDField...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (February 2017) Names and Codes in EN

A names and codes of sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) in England as at 14 February 2017. Please note the change in name from plan footprints to partnerships. (14/05/2017).This...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2021) Names and Codes in EN

A file containing the names and codes of sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) in England at at 1st April 2021.  (File size - 12KB)Field Names - STP21CD, STP21CDH, STP21NMField Types...

EWCO - Water Quality

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce pollutants through land use change that reduces fertilizer application or by creating woodland that...

Pothole claims

A data set which shows the total number of roadway pothole claims and payments made for vehicles, pedestrian injuries and bicycles.

Traffic Accidents

Bristol road accidents involving personal injury that were reported to police and passed on to the City Council. Damage only accidents are not recorded.

Forest condition survey (1987-2006)

The Forest Condition Survey has been carried out since 1984 and, in addition to providing comprehensive information on tree health in Britain, it contributes to an EU programme monitoring the...

English Woodland Grant Scheme Boundary

The English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) was launched in 2005 and offered 6 grants for the creation and stewardship of woodlands. This dataset contains the scheme or 'case' boundaries that make up...