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525 results found

Seabed stills reference collection from North East Scotland

Seabed stills reference collection from North East Scotland (Scottish MPA). The objective of the imagery analysis contract was to undertake a taxonomic analysis of seabed imagery collected with...

Species point records from 1994 MNCR Ardnamurchan peninsula sublittoral survey

Detailed survey completed by MNCR, SNH staff and contractor of the Western Approaches of the Sound of Mull and the whole of the Ardnamurchan Peninsular. Predominantly rocky substrata surveyed with...

Habitat point records from 1994 MNCR Ardnamurchan peninsula sublittoral survey

Detailed survey completed by MNCR, SNH staff and contractor of the Western Approaches of the Sound of Mull and the whole of the Ardnamurchan Peninsular. Predominantly rocky substrata surveyed with...

Southern Falmouth Bay benthic biotope map

The survey of the marine environment of Falmouth Bay and the lower Fal Ruan Estuary was undertaken as part of the BioMar Project which is funded by the European Community through the LIFE...

Northern Falmouth Bay benthic biotope map

The survey of the marine environment of Falmouth Bay and the lower Fal Ruan Estuary was undertaken as part of the BioMar Project which is funded by the European Community through the LIFE...

Lower Fal Ruan estuary benthic biotope map

The survey of the marine environment of Falmouth Bay and the lower Fal Ruan Estuary was undertaken as part of the BioMar Project which is funded by the European Community through the LIFE...

Isle of Man sandbank

Opportunistic survey of the sandbank in offshore waters east of the Isle of Man as part of JNCC offshore Natura 2000 site assessment processes. Grab sampling, AGDS, side scan sonar and video data...

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for Compass Rose recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ)

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for Compass Rose recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ). Seabed texture polygons mapped using expert interpretation of acoustic data (MBES bathymetry and...

North Rona Annex I habitat map

The aim of the survey was to map the seabed environment around North Rona. The survey will form the baseline for future management of the area to determine the scope and nature of any...

Videos and still images of the seabed from the 2017 survey of Grenada and the Grenadines Islands in the Caribbean

As part of the Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (CMEP) Cefas collected 87 drop camera video tows of the seabed on the southern and western sides of the island of Grenada and around the...

2012 University of Plymouth Falmouth towed underwater video maerl and associated epifauna survey

This data set comprises of marine epibenthos and endobenthos (approx. 370 identified taxa derived from Algae, Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Mollusca,...

2007 SeaStar Survey Ltd Survey Falmouth maerl bed core and video survey

This survey was conducted for Royal Haskoning Ltd. on behalf of the Falmouth Harbour commission to assess the environmental impact of the proposed expansion of the docks with particular focus on...

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level3) for the Offshore Brighton recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ)

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for Offshore Brighton recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ). Seabed texture polygons mapped using expert interpretation of acoustic data (MBES bathymetry...

Croker carbonate slabs, Mid-Irish Sea

In May 2008 (18-27 May), a survey commissioned by JNCC undertook seabed habitat investigations of two Areas of Search (AoS) for offshore SACs. The objectives of this survey, within the Submarine...

Broadscale survey and mapping of seabed biota in Loch Creran, Argyll - Biotopes

A broadscale benthic survey of Loch Creran was carried out in 1998-1999. The primary objective of the study was to map the sublittoral habitats and delimit biotopes. AGDS was used, ground-truthed...

Survey of Reef Habitat around Eddystone Reef, Plymouth

Detailed pilot survey carried out on the reef habitat around the Eddystone Reef off Plymouth as part of a project to identify potential SACs which are not connected to the coast. Phase 1 of the...

West Hebrides Biotope Mapping Project

This project attempts to map the broadscale biotopes and habitats of the rocky reef sites west of the Outer Hebrides through integrating multibeam echosounder data, acoustic ground discrimination...

Baseline survey of maerl beds in the Wyre Sound, Orkney: lifeforms map

The baseline survey of the maerl beds in Wyre Sound, Rousay Sound and environs, Orkney Islands, took place as part of the Biomar project in collaboration with Scottish Natural Heritage. A detailed...

Loch of Stenness cSAC intertidal and subtidal substrate map

The Loch of Stenness is the largest saline lagoon in the UK and has been proposed as a cSAC. SeaMap were contracted to carry out a comprehensive survey and mapping exercise of the subtidal and...

Broadscale survey and mapping of seabed and shore habitats and biota, Lochs Duich, Alsh and Long.

A map of the distribution and extent of marine littoral and sublittoral biotopes within Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh, on the north west coast of Scotland. Shore surveys were carried out to record the...