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8,773 results found

National Forest Inventory - 50-year forecast of hardwood availability GB 2014

An NFI statistical report examining the potential for hardwood timber availability over the period 2013-2061 under a range of harvesting and restocking scenarios. The spreadsheet provides all the...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2013

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

National Forest Inventory - 25-year forecast of coniferous volume and increment GB 2012

An NFI statistical analysis report of the 25-year forecast of standing coniferous volume and increment for Great Britain. The spreadsheet provides all the data found in the main report plus...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2012

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Phytophthora Lateralis Confirmed Infection Sites GB 10K Grid

Sites confirmed of having Phytothphora Lateralis present. Phytophthora lateralis is a pathogen which generally attacks and kills the roots of its host trees, although aerial infections of branches...

Forestry Statistics - Woodland Carbon Code Statistics

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...

National Forest Inventory - 50-year forecast of softwood availability GB 2014

An NFI statistical report for GB, examining the potential for softwood timber availability over the period 2013-2061 under a range of harvesting and restocking scenarios. The spreadsheet provides...

Forestry Statistics - Public Opinion of Forestry, UK/ England

The biennial household-based Public Opinion of Forestry survey measures the opinions of the public to forestry and forestry-related issues. The scope of the survey was increased in 2003 to provide...

Oak chloroplast DNA haplotypes in the UK

The main objective was to provide geneticists, ecologists and foresters with an integrated description of oak genetic resources in the form of synthetic maps based on CpDNA polymorphism and...

Timber Processing Sites GB

This dataset contains point locations for a variety of timber processing sites. Sites include sawmills, and board, pellet, bark and fencing manufactuctureres. The dataset is used for Plant Health...

National Forest Estate Restocking Coupes England 2016

This dataset shows restocking coupes. These are areas of intended management and may not be implemented when indicated or at all. The attribution indicates the probable habitat or species and the...

Chalara Fraxinea Confirmed Infection Areas GB 10K Grid

Ordnance Survey 10km square grid of Great Britain showing the year that Chalara fraxinea infections were first confirmed in the wider environment in that grid square. Year - Year that an...

Oak Processionary Moth Survey GB 10K Grid 2013

Sites selected for inspection were formerly used for the Forestry Commission Forest Condition Survey. Each site contains 24 numbered trees and each of these trees is inspected for signs and...

National Forest Estate Hundred of St Briavals

The Hundred of St Briavels is the statutory area over which the rights of the free miners as to coal, iron ore and ochre but not stone now extend. Between the 11th century to 13th century, the...

Pitch Pine Canker GB Survey 10K Grid 2015

Stands surveyed to determine whether Pitch pine canker (Gibberella circinata) is present in 18 forest stands of radiata pine (Pinus radiata) located across seven forest districts in England and...

Pitch Pine Canker GB Survey 10K Grid 2013

Stands surveyed to determine whether Pitch pine canker (Gibberella circinata) is present in 19 forest stands of radiata pine (Pinus radiata) located across seven forest districts in England and...

National Forest Estate Management Coupes England 2016

This dataset shows management coupes. These are areas of intended management and may not be implemented when indicated or at all. The feature description field indicates the probable silvicultural...


Legal Boundaries This layer shows the external legal boundaries of land within FC ownership. It does not show the internal deed boundaries. Each polygon has these primary...

Phytophthora Ramorum Risk Zones GB

The boundaries of the risk zones are kept under review as the situation develops. The risk zones are used to inform felling guidance, details of English policy can be found in Operations Note...

Forest Reproductive Materials Exclusion Zones GB

This shapefile shows exclusion zones associated with some sites on the Forest Reproductive Material (FRM) shapefile. It should always be used in conjunction with the FRM shapefile. The exclusion...