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Revenue protected tax receipts

Tax receipts that are protected through HMRC activity, such as legislative action or guidance, that prevents non-compliance.

Animal Welfare Compliance – On Farm and Transport

Number and percentage of animals arriving at the slaughterhouse in compliance with applicable animal welfare legislation, as a proportion of throughput.

NI 069 Children who have experienced bullying

Number of pupils responding that they have experienced bullying against the number of pupils completing the survey, expressed as a percentage. Source: TellUs3 Survey: DCSF Publisher:...

NI 023 Perceptions that people in the area treat one another with respect and consideration

Encouraging local authorities and their partners to take action to promote strong communities with shared values where community members treat one another Source: Department for Children Schools...

NI 148 - Care leavers in employment, education or training

Former care leavers: Young people aged 19 (i.e., at or near their 19th birthday) who were looked after under any legal status (other than V3 or V4 - see footnote of template) aged 16. in...

Truancy: Penalty notices, fast-track, parenting contracts & parenting orders

Truancy: Penalty notices, fast-track, parenting contracts & parenting orders Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

NI 051 Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) services

Work in Progress!!!!! Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: County/Unitary Authority, Government Office Region (GOR),...

Enforcement Data - Enforcement Reports

Volumes of formal enforcement undertaken by the Food Standards Agency. This is shown as the number of breaches against each piece of legislation by Month.

NI 199: Satisfaction with parks and play areas

Children and young people's satisfaction with parks and play areas in their locality Source: TellUs3 Survey: DCSF Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Free nursery education

Number of free nursery education places taken up by three and four year olds Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

NI 110 Young peoples participation in positive activities

The percentage of young people 13-19, participating in structured positive activities against the total number of young people in the 13-19 cohort. Source: TellUs3 Survey: DCSF Publisher:...

Vacancy rates in maintained schools

Vacancy numbers and rates in maintained nursery, primary, secondary and special schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Cross Local Authority border movement of school pupils resident in England

Cross Local Authority border movement of school pupils resident in England Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

NI 088 Percentage of schools providing access to extended services

The number of schools providing access to extended services against the number of schools in the local authority, expressed as a percentage. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

NI 085 Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics, Chemistry and Maths)

Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG...

Vocational qualifications: NVQ / VRQ Awards

Vocational Qualifications in the UK: Awards of NVQs/VRQs Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Geographies:...

Education and training participation: 16-18 year olds

Continuing participation in education and training by 16 and 17 year olds in each local area in England Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children...

Children looked after in England by distance between home and placement

Children who are living in care or foster placements by the distance between their home address and their placement address Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher:...

Qualification levels of children leaving care

Children aged 16 and over who ceased to be looked after during the year by level of qualification achieved Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for...

Parliamentary constituency level information - time series of average class sizes in Primary and Secondary schools

Parliamentary Constituency level information - time series of average class sizes in primary and secondary schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for...