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Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - Site condition monitoring information

Every six years, all EU Member States are required (under Article 17 of the Directive) to report on the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive. This dataset contains the summary country and...

Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - UK level species details

This dataset contains details of all the Species Reports that summarise the conservation status of Species listed under the Habitats Directive. Every six years, all EU Member States are required...

Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - UK level habitat details

This dataset contains details of all the Habitat Reports that summarise the conservation status of Habitats listed under the Habitats Directive. Every six years, all EU Member States are required...

Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) shellfish water protected areas in England

This dataset contains the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England and Wales) Regulations 2017 shellfish water protected area designations in England. These are waters designated by...

Working Time Opt Out

Record of employees who have opted out of the European Working Time Directive

Large Case List

Cases within HMRC Local Compliance that have yielded in excess of £1m (Indirect Tax) or £5m (Direct Tax). Updated: monthly.

Large Case List

Cases within HMRC Local Compliance that have yielded in excess of £1m (Indirect Tax) or £5m (Direct Tax). Updated: monthly.

Subjective wellbeing, 'Worthwhile', average rating

Average (mean) rating for 'Worthwhile' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective well-being questions...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Anxious Yesterday', percentage of responses in range 4-10

Percentage of responses in range 4-10 out of 10 (corresponding to 'low wellbeing') for 'Anxious Yesterday' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Happy Yesterday', percentage of responses in range 0-6

Percentage of responses in range 0-6 out of 10 (corresponding to 'low wellbeing') for 'Happy Yesterday' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Happy Yesterday', average rating

Average (mean) rating for 'Happy Yesterday' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective well-being...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Anxious Yesterday', standard deviation

Standard deviation of responses for 'Anxious Yesterday' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Happy Yesterday', standard deviation

Standard deviation of responses for 'Happy Yesterday' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Worthwhile', percentage of responses in range 0-6

Percentage of responses in range 0-6 out of 10 (corresponding to 'low wellbeing') for 'Worthwhile' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Worthwhile', standard deviation

Standard deviation of responses for 'Worthwhile' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective well-being...

Article 4 Direction Areas Historic Environment

Areas whereby the Council can remove permitted development rights in order to preserve the character and amenity of an area, including the historic environment. These Directions are made by local...

Article 4 Direction (polygon data) 2017

Dataset shows Article 4 Direction land Charges

Article 4 Direction - Flexible Town Centre

Article 4 Direction Flexible Town Centre in Hackney - An Article 4 Direction (A4D) is part of planning legislation that allows the Council to remove permitted developments rights including changes...

Allerdale Article 4 Directions Land Charge

Article 4 Directions recorded as Land Charges throughout Allerdale expressed as polygons

Shepway District Council Article 4 Directions

Article 4 directions remove national permitted development rights meaning that planning permission must be sought, they protect Conservation Areas from unsympathetic alterations.