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167 results found

Gambling premises licences

This dataset contains information about licences which are issued to premises such as bingo halls, betting shops and casinos. The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your...

NYMNPA Helmsley Local Plan Commercial Limits

The Local Plan Policies Maps identify the limits of the commercial area in the town of Helmsley, as set out in the Helmsley Local Plan under Policy BL8. The commercial areas cover the main shop and...

Assets of Community Value

This dataset contains a list of all applications, both successful and unsuccessful, for registration of assets of community value under the Community Right to Bid. The Community Right to Bid...

Animal Licences

Our Environmental Health department is responsible for animal licensing. A licence is required when keeping a Pet Shop, Zoo or Animal Boarding Establishment. This dataset lists the local...

Business Rates - Rateable Value

Business Rates - Rateable Value Business rates are charged on most non-domestic properties like shops, offices, pubs, warehouses, factories, holiday rental homes or guest houses. ...

Settlement Boundaries

Administrative boundaries for all towns and villages with a population of more than 100 and with a recognised nucleus of village life, such as a school, local shop or public house, as defined in...

CCTV Camera Locations in Ipswich

CCTV was introduced into Ipswich town centre in 1994. Cameras are monitored from a control room known as the Emergency Services Centre (ESC), which is based in Ipswich Borough Council's...

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Camden

This dataset contains food hygiene ratings or inspection results given to businesses located in the London Borough of Camden, and reflect the standards of food hygiene found on the date of...

Norfolk County Council Live Car Park data

The data is a live XML feed from Norfolk County Council's CDMF System (Common Data Management Facility) hosted by the ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) team. The data is updated every 5 minutes,...

Belfast young people who think that local facilities are shared and open to all

The proportion of of young people (aged 16) from Belfast Local Government District [2014] who responded, ‘Yes, definitely’ to the question ‘Do you think the following facilities in this area are...

Northern Ireland Railways Stations

A Northern Ireland Railways Station is defined as a railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or goods. A Station generally consists of a platform next to the track...

Public toilets

**This dataset is no longer updated. For details of public conveniences managed by Leeds City Council please visit the** [**Council Land and Building...

FE data library: further education and skills

Information on learners, learning programmes and learner achievement. This includes information on learners who are studying on a course at a further education college, learners studying courses...

Local Plan 2004

Hastings Local Plan 2004 planning constraints including Protected Green and Open Spaces, Industrial Land Allocation, Employment Land Allocation, Housing Land Allocation and Shopping Areas. This...

COVID-19 Restrictions Timeseries

National and local restrictions and policies affecting London, by date. Supplied as an experimental dataset to provide context for analysis of other social or economic datasets, for instance,...


![]( OpenStreetMap ([]( is a global collaborative mapping project, which offers maps and map data...

Consumer Prices Inflation Basket of Goods and Services 2014

The 'shopping basket' of items making up the suite of consumer price inflation indices (CPI, CPIH, RPIJ & RPI) are reviewed every year. Some items are taken out of the basket, some are brought...

CPI and RPI Basket of Goods and Services

The 'shopping basket' of items making up the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and Retail Prices Index (RPI) are reviewed every year. Some items are taken out of the basket, some are brought in, to...

Map based index (GeoIndex) classical areas geological maps 1:25k

This layer of the GeoIndex shows the availability of 1:25000 scale Classical Areas Geological Maps. The maps themselves show the occurrence, nature and stratigraphic age of rocks. They are...

Pricing Trends for communications services

This report looks at pricing trends for residential phone, broadband and TV services in the UK. It examines the prices of standalone and bundled services and what consumers spend on them. It...