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220 results found

Dark Skies Park Core Area

The central core area (darkest sky) of the Galloway Dark Sky Park. The Galloway Forest Park received Gold Tier Dark Sky Park Status from the International Dark Sky Association in 2009 due to the...

Local Development Plan 2015 Settlement Boundaries - Moray

Local Development Plan 2015 Settlement Boundaries are used for the distribution of housing and employment land across Moray as per the spatial strategy set out within the Moray Local Development...

Species point records from 1989 MNCR Mull of Galloway/Auchencairn littoral survey

The Solway Firth straddles the western border between Scotland and England, the southern shores lying in Cumbria, the northern shores in Dumfries and Galloway. The shores contrast with the...

Habitat point records from 1989 MNCR Mull of Galloway/Auchencairn littoral survey

The Solway Firth straddles the western border between Scotland and England, the southern shores lying in Cumbria, the northern shores in Dumfries and Galloway. The shores contrast with the...

UK Biodiversity Indicator D1a, Fish size classes in the North Sea

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator D1a, Fish size classes in the North Sea. Change in relative abundance of large fishes is likely to affect marine ecosystems...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion with recycling real flue gas was presented at the CSLF Call project...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution. Priorities for species and habitat conservation are set at a country level...

Fault slip potential for Horn River Basin hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity (NERC Grant NE/R018006/1)

This dataset contains a catalogue of in-situ models for a fault activated by hydraulic fracturing in the Horn River Basin in July 2011. These were created as a part of Kettlety et al. (2019),...

Development of a Regional Sediment Mobility Model for Submerged Archaeological Sites

An understanding of the dynamics of underwater archaeological sites has been a primary research aim of marine archaeologists for the last four decades. To develop a viable sediment dynamic model...

Development of a Regional Sediment Mobility Model for Submerged Archaeological Sites

An understanding of the dynamics of underwater archaeological sites has been a primary research aim of marine archaeologists for the last four decades. To develop a viable sediment dynamic model...

Sub-national health expectancies

Estimates of disability-free life expectancy by upper tier local authority, using a number of data sources including national surveys, population estimates and death registrations for the period...

Coal Mining Referral Area

Coal Mining Referral area showing areas of high development risk. The Development High Risk Area is the part of the coal mining reporting area which contains one or more recorded coal mining...

St Paul's Depths

The St Paul’s Heights policy framework is set out in City Plan 2036 Strategic Policy S13: Protected Views and Local Plan Protected Views Policy CS13. Further guidance set out in the St Paul’s and...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion on PACT facility with real flue gas and vent gas recycling

The project will investigate the impacts of real flue gas and vent gas recycling on the combustion performance, emissions, ignition and flame stability of oxy-coal combustion by means of 250kW PACT...

Accounts Payable - Supplier payments summary

Regulation 113 of the Public Contract Regulation Act 2015 requires all contracting authorities to pay undisputed invoices within 30 days. When disputed invoice payments are not paid within this 30...

Laboratory Methane Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in Berea (NERC grant NE/J020753/1)

Data for the figures in the manuscript: S. K. Sahoo, H. Marin-Moreno, L. J. North, I. Falco-Suarez,B. N. Madhusudhan, A. I. Best and T. A. Minshull (2018).Presence and consequences of co-existing...

Microplastic effect data. The world is your oyster: low-dose, long-term microplastic exposure of juvenile oysters

This dataset contains three separate files form an eighty day exposure study where we exposed juvenile oysters, Crassotrea gigas, to 3 different MP concentrations (10Power4, 10Power5, 10Power6...

Microplastic effect data. The world is your oyster: low-dose, long-term microplastic exposure of juvenile oysters

This dataset contains three separate files form an eighty day exposure study where we exposed juvenile oysters, Crassotrea gigas, to 3 different MP concentrations (10Power4, 10Power5, 10Power6...

BGS GeoSure (OGC WxS)

The 1:50 000 scale GeoSure (natural ground stability) data covering the map sheets for Loughborough and Kilmarnock are available in this OGC WMS service for personal, non-commercial use only. This...

Civil Parish Council Tax Level Data

This dataset provides information on local precepting authorities (parishes, charter trustees and Temples) and the amount of council tax collected on their behalf by their billing authorities in...