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Northern Ireland Coastal Zone

This report brings together a range of indicators of sustainable development of the Northern Ireland coastal zone, which can be used to monitor progress towards achieving the goals for coastal...

NI 011 - Engagement in the arts

The arts have a range of local impacts, including promoting health, education and well-being. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated the links between participation in cultural activity...

Wader Zonal Map

The Wader Zonal Map – a.k.a. Wader Sensitivity Map (WSM) and Breeding Wader Sensitivity Map – was produced by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in partnership with the Forestry Commission and...

Influence of riparian shade on stream thermal regime (New Forest 2010)

River temperature is a key parameter of water quality. Most bio-chemical processes and physical characteristics of a water body are functions of temperature. Aquatic organisms including fish are...

Trial of biodegradable mulch materials (Kent 2012)

Mulches are materials applied to the soil surface to control the growth of competitive weeds. The durability, practicality, and weed control efficacy of a range of mulch materials was tested for...

Utilisation of Milk by Dairies in England and Wales

Statistics on the volume of milk used by dairies in England and Wales for the production of a range of milk products.and UK Availability, Disposals and Production of Milk and Milk Products Source...

English Business Survey

The English Business Survey provides a high level view of business and economic conditions across the country over a range of backward and forward looking directional indicators including output,...

Schools, Pupils and their Characteristics

This Statistical First Release (SFR) is based upon information collected in the School Census. It includes information on both the number of schools and pupils, and tables showing the number of...

Other TB Statistics

This data set includes a range of other statistics relevant to the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in cattle. If you require these datasets in a more accessible format, please contact Defra...

Various water quality parameters covering a pre and post-planting regime (Halladale study 1995-2010)

Our study was driven by concerns that afforesting the headwaters of the Upper Halladale River in North Scotland would affect water quality and the local salmon fishery. The main issue was the...

Total vacant local authority dwellings at 1 April - Vacant for over 12 months (owned by that LA)

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Total vacant local authority dwellings at 1 April - Vacant for between 6 weeks and 6 months (owned by that LA)

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Total vacant local authority dwellings at 1 April - Vacant for between 6 and 12 months (owned by that LA)

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Total vacant local authority dwellings at 1 April - Vacant for 0-6 weeks (owned by that LA)

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Number of local authority owned dwellings that received other Capital works - new build - Supported Housing

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

NI 010 - Visits to museums and galleries

Museums and galleries have a range of local impacts, including promoting education and well-being and a sense of identification with their locality. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated...

Attitudes, Values and Perceptions: Muslims and the general population

This report uses data from the 2007-08 Citizenship Survey to explore Muslim communities' views, attitudes and perceptions on a range of issues including cohesion, values and perceptions of...

Financial reports on Local Authority expenditure on their education and children's social care functions: (section 251 formerly s52)

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the...

Local Authority Licensing of Activities involving Animals returns

The release summarises local authority activity in relation to the licensing of activities involving animals. It includes the number of licences in force per activity, as well as the average fees...

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES): NHS Maternity Statistics - provider level analysis

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) contains a wide range of maternity information which has been published annually since 2000-01. The publication includes details of all births taking place in NHS...