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155 results found

Recycling Centres

Overlay of recycling and household waste sites across the Mansfield district

Recycling facilities

Type and address for all recycling facilities avaliable in North Somerset.

Recycling Centres

Location of recycling centres in Nottingham. Information about types of materials accepted at the sites is included.

Recycling costs

The total income, expenditure and net expenditure for the doorstep recycling service in Calderdale for each financial year since 2011/12.

Recycling Banks

This dataset comprises point data showing the location of recycling points within the City of Bristol and what wastes are accepted at each specific location.

Norfolk Recycling Facilities

Locations of Recycling Facilities in Norfolk

Waste and recycling

Nationally collected statistics on waste and recycling

Recycling Centres

Location of Recycling Centres located with Barrow Borough Council administraive area. Locations are recorded as points. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the...

Recycling Centres CCGBC

Location of all Recycling Facilities within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Area.For more information CLICK HERE

Recycling Centres CCGBC

Location of all Recycling Facilities within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Area.For more information CLICK HERE

Allerdale Recycling Site Data

Location of known Recycling Sites defining the types of recycling available and the hours and the degree of access to the site. Each site expressed as a point and used for Customer Transformation.

Sunderland Recycling Sites

List of Recycling Sites across the City. These sites include everything from paper and cans to shoes and textiles.

Schools Waste - Recycling (t)

Schools Waste - Recycling (t)

Corporate Waste - Recycling (t)

Corporate Waste - Recycling (t)

Aberdeen Recycling Points

Point dataset with the locations of Recycling Points in Aberdeen City Council local authority area. Attribute information includes site name, road name, locality and postcode.

Aberdeen Recycling Centres

Point dataset with the locations of Recycling Centre’s in Aberdeen City Council local authority area. Attribute information includes site name, road name, locality and postcode.

Ipswich Borough Council - Recycling Point

Ipswich has many different sites where you can recycle a variety of items. Data set includes the type of items, you can recycle.

FODC Recycling Centres

This data set includes the following information on recycling centres within the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area; longitude, latitude, site name, address, postcode, opening hours and...

Household Waste Recycling Centres

Point data of Household Waste Recycling Centres in Cumbria

Recycling Centres - North Ayrshire

Location of Household Waste Recycling Centres within North Ayrshire