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299 results found

London’s Urban Heat Island - During A Warm Summer

For an urban heat island map during an average summer [see this dataset.](/dataset/london-s-urban-heat-island---average-summer) A heatwave refers to a prolonged period of unusually hot weather....

Parasitoid abundance, aphid population mass and glucosinolate concentration from experimental ozone and diesel exhaust fumigation of Brassica napus

These datasets contain aphid/parasitoid abundances and glucosinolate concentrations associated with Brassica napus plants within eight field-based diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings located...

NSI topsoil analyses (original)

NSI topsoil1 contains a comprehensive record of many of the important elemental abundances in the soils of the UK. This dataset can be used to highlight areas of element abundance, and the links...

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) data from samples collected from sites of lithified artifical ground (Warton, Glengarnock, Derwent Howe, Harrington, Auchendinny, Lynemouth) in Scotland and northwest England (2022-2023) (NERC Grant NE/X009718/1)

This dataset contains SEM data comprising raw data files (.dat) and AZtec file (.oip) for reading the data. The data was collected in 2022-2023. The data was collected for the purpose of...

FE data library: skills for life

Information on skills for life qualifications by participation and achievements. Skills for Life qualifications are designed to give people the reading, writing, maths and communication skills...

Map based index (GeoIndex) technical reports

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) provides an index to a sub set of the BGS Report Series. The reports themselves describe the local geology and are designed to be read in conjunction...

16S rRNA Gene Sequencing of Filtered Groundwater from 8 Boreholes in Cambodia (NERC grant NE/P01304X/1)

This dataset represents the raw reads from sequencing the V4 hyper-variable region of the 16S rRNA gene on an Illumina MiSeq platform. The samples are filtered groundwater samples from 8 boreholes...

Skills for Life in England

Annually updated data for Skills for Life Qualifications in England. The data shows participation and achievement figures broken down by Age, Level, Provider Type, Geography and Learner...

Adult Excess Weight

This data shows the percentage of adults (age 18 and over) classed as having Excess Weight. Excess Weight is a major cause of premature deaths and avoidable ill-health. Excess weight is a term...

NSI Features

NSI features derives many parameters beneficial for modelling soils. These parameters, derived from readings and measurements taken at the NSI site include the depth from the surface to various...

BGS seismic phase data

Scanned images of seismic phase data sheets containing phase readings, phase arrival times, amplitude data, magnitude data and derived source information like hypocentres (locations), fault plane...

Field measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature data from rivers [LOIS]

On site measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature for thirteen sites in the Humber catchment and three sites in the Tweed catchment within the period 1994 to 1997 as part of the Land Ocean...

Nitrogen oxide and ozone concentrations, pollinator visitation frequencies and yield metrics of Brassica nigra in fumigation rings, Sonning, UK, 2018-2019

The dataset contains concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2, collectively NOx) and ozone (O3), frequencies of insect pollinators and flower visits and yield metrics of Brassica nigra plants...

London Happiness Scores, Borough

TAKING PART SURVEY This data shows satisfaction with life in general across a number of groups. The exact question posed to repondents was: 'Taking all things together, how happy would you say you...

Daily Customer Meter Data - local area study

A dataset showing daily water consumption readings in cubic metres (m3) from internal and/or external meters in a discrete study in two distribution management areas (DMAs) in Yorkshire between...

Air Quality Data from UK-AIR

This data is downloaded from UK-AIR database from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The data supplied contains the daily average pollutant reading for Ozone, Nitrogen Oxide,...

London's Zero Carbon Pathways Tool

London’s Zero Carbon Pathways Tool shows four ways that carbon emissions might be reduced to net zero by 2030. The Tool, developed by Element Energy, accompanies the report “[Analysis of a Net...

Groundwater-related data from basement aquifers in the Romwe Catchment, Southern Zimbabwe

These files include hydrochemical data and groundwater level time series for a number of boreholes and wells within the basement aquifers of the Romwe catchment. For each borehole/well there are...

Water Quality Exemptions Public Register Online

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA208. Certain activities are exempt from the need to have an environmental permit. In order to qualify for an exemption, the discharge or activity...

Council Elections candidate results by ward, 2006

[Voting statistics]( for the local elections in 2006, includes data on each candidate. Data on...