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1,181 results found

Free School Meals - Primary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Major Centre Primary Shopping Area

showing boundary of primary shopping area of major centres as defined in the London Plan; the borough has two - brixton and streatham

District Centre Primary Shopping Areas

showing boundaries of District Centres as defined in the London Plan and lambeth's Core Strategy;  these are the larger shopping areas such as west norwood or clapham.

School Catchments Primary Non-Overlapping

Polygons representing the Catchment Areas for Cheshire Primary Schools.

Attainment Data by Ward for Primary Schools

Attainment data for children at various stages in early years and primary education: * Early years foundation stage profile (EYFSP); * Year 1 Phonics; * Key Stage 1 (KS1); * Key Stage 2...

Number of primary school places in York

Number of primary school places in York

Gainsborough Primary Shopping Area (2023)

Polygon dataset showing the Gainsborough Primary Shopping Area.

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Inadequate -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Inadequate -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Good -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Good -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Outstanding -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Outstanding -%

Enrolments at grant-aided primary and post-primary schools: basic statistics

Enrolments at grant-aided primary and post-primary schools. Source agency: Education (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Enrolments at...

Parliamentary constituency level information - time series of average class sizes in Primary and Secondary schools

Parliamentary Constituency level information - time series of average class sizes in primary and secondary schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for...

Food Standards Agency File Plan

This dataset shows the top two levels of the file plan which is used to structure records stored in Wisdom, the FSA Electronic Document Management System. The file plan is a two level list of the...

Operational Efficiency Programme Benchmarking Report for April 2009 to May 2010

Operational Efficiency Programme Benchmarking Report for April 2009 to May 2010 with the full accompanying data set. The report highlights the exceptionally bad quality of existing data,...

NI 049 - Number of primary fires and related fatalities and non-fatal casualties (excluding precautionary checks)

A primary fire is any fire involving property (including non-derelict vehicles) or casualties or involves 5 or more fire appliances. The indicator is defined in three parts: 1.Total number of...

NI 049 - Number of primary fires and related fatalities and non-fatal casualties (excluding precautionary checks)

A primary fire is any fire involving property (including non-derelict vehicles) or casualties or involves 5 or more fire appliances. The indicator is defined in three parts: 1.Total number of...

Local Authority cross border movement matrix of school pupils resident in England (primary, secondary, special),

Matrix of movement of pupils to schools outside of their Local Authority of residence for primary secondary and special school pupils resident in England Source: Department for Education and...

Attendance at Grant-aided Primary, Post-primary and Special Schools (Northern Ireland)

Analysis of pupil attendance at grant-aided primary, post-primary and special schools in Northern Ireland, by school and pupil characteristics. Source agency: Education (Northern...

Wood Production and Trade

Provisional UK statistics on timber removals, deliveries, production of primary wood products and trade in wood and wood products. Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: National...

Details of NHS organisations in England from Organisation Data Service

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) is provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). It is responsible for the publication of all organisation and practitioner codes and...