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925 results found

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Controlled Plant Goods by Point of Entry 2012

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection Statistics for Controlled Plant Goods by Point of Entry (POE) 2012. Controlled goods are those which are subject to formal plant health...

Provisional Woodland Statistics: 2019 Edition

The First Release 'Provisional Woodland Statistics: 2019 Edition' contains provisional statistics for the year to March 2019 on; UK woodland area, certified woodland area, areas of new planting and...

COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

Plant Pest & Disease Notices

Plant Health Pest and Disease Notices produced by Central Science Laboratory (CSL) - Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF) & Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs...

Electronic Seeds Plant (ESP)

Plant Seed Certification on-line. Electronic data delivery for the seeds and plant breeding industry.

Alternative Plant Protection Methods

Evaluation of the potential of bio-active factors from a wasp venom (a phenoloxidase and rVPr3 (insect immunosuppressive protein)) to reduce pesticide usage by improving biological control strategies.

Animal and Plant Health Regions

These are the 5 animal health regions in Scotland. These are part of State Veterinary Service who are an executive agency responsible for delivering agreed services in public health and animal...

Insect species richness for each plant species and insect-plant interactions from the Database of Insects and their Food Plants [DBIF] version 2

This dataset consists of 4,397 insect species associated with 679 native plant species, 120 archaeophytes, and 234 neophytes from the Database of Insects and their Food Plants (DBIF). The DBIF...

Forestry Facts and Figures

Summary statistics on woodland area, planting, timber, trade, environment, recreation, employment and finance for the UK. Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: National...

Forestry Statistics

Detailed statistics on woodland area, planting, timber, trade, environment, recreation, employment, finance and prices for the UK. Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: National...

Concentrations of plant growth promoting compounds in soils and hydroponics due to the interaction of plants and earthworms

Data comprise phytohormone concentrations (plant growth hormones: adenosine, zeatin, isopentenyladenosine, indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid) measured during plant growth experiments in soil...

Occurrence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in foods collected in 2014

A range of samples were collected between February and March 2014 as part of a survey commissioned by the Food Standards Agency. Samples of tea, herbal infusions, plant based food supplements and...

Provisional Woodland Statistics: 2020 Edition

The First Release 'Provisional Woodland Statistics: 2020 Edition' contains provisional statistics for the year to March 2020 on; UK woodland area, certified woodland area, areas of new planting and...

Phytophthora Ramorum Confirmed Infection Areas England 10K Grid

Phytopthora ramorum confirmed infections. OS 10km grid squares containing one or more Phytopthora Ramorum Statutory Plant Heath Notices issued to Landowners in England. Year - First year that a...

Import of aquatic plants into England and Wales

Quantifying the volume of aquatic plants imported into, and moved within, England and Wales

International Plant Names Index - IPNI

Comprehensive database of published vascular plant scientific names with bibliographic details

Vascular Plant Families and Genera Database

A clist of the families and genera recognized at Kew Herbarium

National List and Plant Breeders Rights

National list and plant breeders rights income

Bioclimatic envelopes for global plant species

Bioclimatic envelopes for over 200,000 plant species. The data comprises a single csv file, containing the average value of the climate envelope per species for each of the following variables:...

Statutory Plant Health Notices - Scotland

This layer shows the extent of Statutory Plant Health Notices (SPHN) issued by Scottish Forestry in Scotland. The SPHN extent defines the boundary within which the full conditions and biosecurity...