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Staffordshire Active Quarries and Mines 2021

Extent of permitted quarries and mine boundary sites derived from the approved planning permission plans

Article 4 Directions

Development or demolition restricted by Article 4 Directions made by the Council to remove permitted development rights.

Article 4

Article 4 Directions are a means by which a local planning authority can bring within planning control certain types of development, or changes of use, which would normally be ‘permitted...

Article4 Direction Documentation

An article 4 direction is a direction under article 4 of the General Permitted Development Order which enables the Secretary of State or the local planning authority to withdraw specified permitted...

Article 4 Directions

An article 4 direction is made by the local planning authority. It restricts the scope of permitted development rights either in relation to a particular area or site, or a particular type of...

Noise exposure data - England

The data show the estimated number of people affected by noise from road traffic, railway and industrial sources, based on an annual average 24 hour period for the situation in 2011. The...

Article 4 Directions

Waverley Borough Council dataset recording the location of the removal of certain Permitted Development rights. Areas represented by polygons.

Article 4 Directions

Waverley Borough Council dataset recording the location of the removal of certain Permitted Development rights. Areas represented by polygons.


Development will be permitted in and alongside the undeveloped coast when conditions as defined in 2003 Local Plan have been met.


Development will be permitted in and alongside the developed coast when conditions as defined in 2003 Local Plan have been met.

North Norfolk District Council LDF Open Space

This dataset contains the areas of land where development will not be permitted except where it enhances the open character or recreational use of the land

Article 4 Direction

Article 4 Directions within the Forest of Dean district, being areas of land where permitted development rights are restricted.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Article IV Directions

Article 4 areas within Redcar and Cleveland Borough. They allow the council to withdraw the ‘permitted development’ rights that would otherwise apply by virtue of the Town and Country Planning...

Article 4 Land

showing approximate location of areas within conservation areas that have had further restrictions placed on householders permitted development rights

Residential parking schemes

This dataset comprises polygon data defining the geographic extent of areas within Bristol where residents may apply for parking permits.

Report: Longannet ScottishPower Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 08: Consents and Permitting Abstract

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what would be required from an engineering,...

Mineral Site Permissions (Wirral)

Active, inactive and restored mineral site permissions. Includes active permitted extraction sites, mineral wharves and historic permissions. Wirral sites.

Mineral Site Permissions (Sefton)

Active, inactive and restored mineral site permissions. Includes active permitted extraction sites, mineral wharves and historic permissions. Sefton sites.

Article 4 Directions

Article 4 directions allow local planning authorities to restrict Permitted Development Rights to control development that otherwise would not need planning permission.

North Norfolk District Council Undeveloped Coast

This dataset shows the extent of the coastline in which only development that can be demonstrated to require a coastal location and that will not be significantly detrimental to the open coastal...