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451 results found

Freedom of Information Act 2000: statistics on implementation in central government

Quarterly statistical releases on the handling of requests for information made under the Act by 43 central government bodies, including all departments of state. Figures are derived from manual...

Youth Cohort Study & Longitudinal Study of Young People in England

Statistics based on survey responses to YCS and LSYPE and brings together data about the family environment, attitudes to school, risky behaviours, engagement, attainment and post-16 participation....

Routes onto Employment and Support Allowance dataset

Anonymised dataset from a two-wave survey of people who claimed Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) between April and June 2009. The first wave was a face-to-face survey of 3,650 people...

National Diabetes Inpatient Audit (NaDIA) - 2018

The information available from this webpage comes from the National Diabetes Inpatient Audit. The National Diabetes Inpatient Audit is a snapshot audit of diabetes inpatient care. During...

Climate Change Agreements - Sector Performance Data

The Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations 2012 require the administrator to publish a report setting out the energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions achieved by...

Bacterial diversity (16S rRNA gene) in participant collected household vacuum dust from homes across two bioclimatic regions (UK and Greece), with associated participant questionnaire and trace element data. (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

The <250um fraction of 28 household vacuum dust samples were extracted using high throughput isolation of microbial genomic DNA (21 samples from a national campaign within the UK and 7 samples...

Demonstrator data of public sector land and building assets

The dataset contains demonstrator information on the name, address, use, tenure and status of public sector land and buildings, provided by willing participants at a point in time. National data...

Local Authority Housing Statistics: Local Authority-owned stock and stock management

Statistics on local authority-owned stock and stock management, including housing stock, households on local authority waiting lists, participation in Choice-Based Lettings, local authority...

European Survey of Language Competences

The European Survey of Language Competences (ESLC) is an international survey of the language competence of . A total of XX countries participated in ESLC 2012. The survey included an assessment...

Active People survey interactive tool

Active People Survey (APS) is a national survey of sports participation which reports at the national, demographic and local level. The survey is an official statistic and has been running since...

Climate Change Agreements - Target Unit Performance Data

The Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations 2012 require the administrator to publish a report setting out the energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions achieved by...

Summer Schools Evaluation 2012 Strand 3 Matched pupil data

Returned matched survey data of 19,000 pupils who participated in the 2012 Summer School Pupil evaluation. As part of the DfE' s commissioned evaluation Survey responses are matched with the...

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study is an international survey of the educational achievement of the equivalent of year 5 pupils across the world organised by the IEA. A total of...

New Deal for Young People (NDYP)

Starts to New Deal for Young People. New Deal ran between 1998 and 2011. Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle Layer Super...

Local Spend Data in Sport England

Sport England is committed to the creation of a world-leading community sport environment. This means focusing our investment on organisations and projects that will grow and sustain participation...

National Diabetes Inpatient Audit (NaDIA) - 2019

The information available from this webpage comes from the National Diabetes Inpatient Audit. The National Diabetes Inpatient Audit is a snapshot audit of diabetes inpatient care. During...

Local Authority Measures for National Indicators supported by the Tellus Survey

Five National Indicators (NIs) are derived from data produced by the Tellus4 Survey. Statistics produced from the data are used to measure the following performance indicators: NI 50:...

The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study

The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study is an international survey of the educational achievement of the equivalent of year 5 and year 9 pupils across the world organised by the IEA. A total of...

NI 010 Visits to museums and galleries

Museums and galleries have a range of local impacts, including promoting education and well-being and a sense of identification with their locality. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated...

New Deal for Lone Parents: Tabulation tool

New Deal for Lone Parents is aimed at all lone parents on Income Support, but is open to all lone parents (aged 16 plus and with a child under 16) not in work or working less than 16 hours per...