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Built-up Area Sub Divisions (December 2011) Boundaries

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built-up area sub-divisions in England and Wales as at 27 March 2011 (Census day). The built-up area sub-division boundaries are generalised and...

Urban Area Sub Divisions (December 2001) EW BGE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Urban Area Sub Divisions in England and Wales as at 27 March 2001 (Census day). The Urban Areas/Urban Area Sub Divisions boundaries are...


NI Water Annual Information Return Table 17a Sewerage Explanatory Factors Sewerage Sub Area Explanatory Factors (total)

NSTA Sub Areas by Equity Group Holder (BNG)

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

NI Water Sewerage Sub - Area Explanatory Factors 2020 2021

NI Water Annual Information Return 2020 2021 Table 17a Sewerage Explanatory Factors Sewerage Sub - Area Explanatory Factors

UKCS Sub Areas by Equity Group Holder (WGS84)

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

UKCS Sub Areas by Equity Group Holder (ED50)

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

UKCS Sub Areas by Equity Group Holder (ETRS89)

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

Built-up Area Sub Divisions (December 2011) Boundaries EW BGG

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built-up area sub-divisions in England and Wales as at 27 March 2011 (Census day). The built-up area sub-division boundaries are generalised and...

QICS Paper: Mapping observations using AUV and numerical simulations of leaked CO2 diffusion in sub-seabed CO2 release experiment at Ardmucknish Bay

A controlled sub-seabed CO2 release experiment (QICS: quantifying and monitoring potential impacts of geological carbon storage) was conducted in Ardmucknish Bay, Scotland, in 2012, to quantify the...

Large river confluence numerical model output (NERC grant NE/I023228/1)

This dataset contains numerical model output of a morphodynamic and sedimentological simulation of a large river confluence based loosely on the Jamuna-Ganges junction in Bangladesh. The work was...

NI Water Sewerage Explanatory Factors Sewerage Sub Area Explanatory Factors 2019 2020

NI Water Annual Information Return - Sewerage Explanatory Factors Sewerage Sub Area Explanatory Factors 2019 2020


These are the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Sub Basin Districts (SBDs) for Scotland. The sub basin districts were also used to define the Area Advisory Groups (AAGs) and are based on river...


NI Water's 2017 Annual Information Return submission to NIAUR regarding SEWERAGE EXPLANATORY FACTORS- SEWERAGE SUB - AREA EXPLANATORY FACTORS

OGA SubAreas BNG

Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

Sub-National Tourism

Estimates of the economic value of tourism within UK regions, sub-regions and local areas. Includes supply and demand data relating to tourism and tourism industries Source agency: Office for...

Sub Contracting

Sub Contracting, shows who Providers are sub contracting with and how much of their budget is used in this way.

SFGS Sub-Compartments

Scottish Forestry Grant Scheme - SFGS Following publication of the Scottish Executive’s Scottish Forestry Strategy 'Forests for Scotland' the opportunity was taken to review the Woodland Grant...

OGA SubAreas ETRS89

Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

OGA SubAreas WGS84

Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)