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Sites identified post PPG17 report

Polygons identifying open spaces identified post the completion of the PPG17 audit for West Dorset.

Identifying Green Occupations in London

This workbook contains supporting data and information that sits behind GLA Economics [Working Paper...

High-precision CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology of zircon from Rio Blanco - Los Bronces Cu Porphyry system

High-precision CA-ID-TIMS (Chemical Abrasion Isotope Dilution Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry) Uranium-Lead geochronology of zircon, extracted from igneous plutonic and mineralised porphyry...

IATI Organisation Identifier for UK government organisations

All organisations that publish International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) data are identified by their unique code, known as the IATI Organisation Identifier (IATI Org ID). The Foreign,...

Saved Local Plan Policy F8 - Identified Floodplain

Dataset showing Identified Floodplain under Policy F8 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms...

Monthly precise levelling data of peat surface motion from upland and lowland blanket peatland in the Flow Country, Scotland, 2017-2019

The datasets contains monthly Leica LS15 precise levelling data which is used to measure monthly peat surface motion from 49 points in 1km2 of upland (RSPB Forsinard Knockfin Heights) and 49 points...

Proportion of '5 year land supply' identified, by local planning authority

Proportion of '5 year land supply' identified, by local planning authority. This indicator summarises each Local Planning Authorities' reported assessment of the '5 year housing requirements' that...

Standards database identifying HSE’s role in Technical Standards work

Details HSE involvement in standards work and identifies HSE teams & personnel officers representing HSE in this work. The standards database has been in operation since 2007 and currently...

Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria)

Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria) *This indicator has been discontinued

Troubled Families: Number of identified families that are being/have been worked with

Troubled Families: Number of identified families that are being/have been worked with *This indicator has been discontinued.

Number of Supporting Families cases (Families identified with 3 or more headline criteria) - (Snapshot)

Number of Supporting Families cases (Families identified with 3 or more headline criteria) - (Snapshot)

Restoring marine and coastal habitats in Wales: identifying spatial opportunities and benefits

In order to better understand opportunities to build resilience in the Welsh marine environment, a report was commissioned by Natural Resources Wales to identify potential spatial opportunities to...

Times, locations, families, and durations of earthquakes identified near Parkfield, California, USA 2020 - 2022

This catalogue contains the times, locations, families, and durations of earthquakes identified near Parkfield, California, USA. Collected over the period of 2020 – 2022. The methodology used to...

Call, incidents and serious incident log - patient level not identified with contacts (including names, addresses)

Call, incidents and serious incident log - patient level not identified with contacts (including names, addresses)

Enhancing our Understanding: Identifying Shipwrecks of Historic Importance lying within Deposits of Marine Aggregate

The Identifying Shipwrecks of Historic Importance project was undertaken by staff of Bournemouth University and was funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustanability Fund as rebursed by English...

Enhancing our Understanding: Identifying Shipwrecks of Historic Importance lying within Deposits of Marine Aggregate

The Identifying Shipwrecks of Historic Importance project was undertaken by staff of Bournemouth University and was funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustanability Fund as rebursed by English...

Identifying coastal archaeology using multi-spectral satellite imagery of the intertidal zone

his English Heritage funded project explored the use of multispectral satellite imagery for archaeological investigations in the intertidal zone. As a pilot project, the study focused on the well...

Identifying coastal archaeology using multi-spectral satellite imagery of the intertidal zone

his English Heritage funded project explored the use of multispectral satellite imagery for archaeological investigations in the intertidal zone. As a pilot project, the study focused on the well...

Cycling City and Towns (CCT) Evaluation respondent identifiers.

Sample information on approx. 7000 households which have agreed to be recontacted as part of this research project. Can be linked to Senior Research and Evaluation (SRE) 3B but is stored separately...

Developing Magnetometer Techniques to Identify Submerged Archaeological Sites

In March 2009 English Heritage commissioned Historic Environment Projects, Cornwall Council to carry out an initial theoretical study to result in an Updated Project Design (UPD) to inform field...