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Standing Waters Sample Points

The Standing Waters Sample Points dataset is a GIS dataset of survey sample locations used during the course of the Scottish Loch Survey Project. The statutory nature conservation agencies in...

1929 - Ongoing Royal Navy Marine Meteorological Observations

Meteorological observations originating from the UK's Royal Navy ships produced routinely for weather forecasting and as part of the long term climatological record. Observations are made from any...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Loch Sween sublittoral survey

The purpose of this benthic survey in Loch Sween was for routine statutory monitoring by SEPA. The purpose of SNH contracting analysis of the video data obtained from this survey by SEPA was to...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Loch Sween sublittoral survey

The purpose of this benthic survey in Loch Sween was for routine statutory monitoring by SEPA. The purpose of SNH contracting analysis of the video data obtained from this survey by SEPA was to...

1854 - Ongoing Met Office VOS Global Marine Meteorological Observations

Meteorological observations originating from voluntary observing ships produced routinely for weather forecasting and as part of the long term climatological record. Observations are made manually...

Contract for Services in Relation to the Protection of Wrecks Act (1973): Diving investigations on the submarine HMS/M A1

The project was a condition survey of the early 20th century submarine HMS A1, carried out for English Heritage by Wessex Archaeology. The project involved routine diver survey of the HMS A1...

School Mode of Travel

The Influencing Travel Behaviour Team (ITB) provide road safety education, training and publicity to schools, communities, businesses and Leeds residents. We promote sustainable travel throughout...

Serial water body maps for the Barotseland Region, Western Zambia

The dataset provides raster gridded estimates of open water and inundated vegetation for the Barotseland Region in Western Zambia. There are a total of 55 images covering the period 2016-2019 at a...

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 13 - Cefas Multibeam Acoustics - Sound Velocity Profile Temperature Data

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. The RV Cefas...

UK tide gauge network, 1915 onwards

The UK national network of sea level gauges was established after violent storms in the North Sea in 1953 resulted in serious flooding in the Thames Estuary. The data are required for research and...

Wider impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery of population health outcomes for London

These documents were produced through a collaboration between GLA, PHE London and Association of Directors of Public Health London. The wider impacts slide set pulls together a series of rapid...

Health Inequalities Strategy Indicators

Health inequalities are the differences in health and wellbeing, risk or outcomes, between different groups of people. Tackling health inequalities requires knowledge about the factors affecting...

Development and pilot test of Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS) for informing on the status of piscivorous fish species.

Trawl surveys routinely conducted by Cefas under-sample some of the larger piscivorous fish species, which are often either of commercial and/or conservation interest. Additionally, some habitats...

Health Expectancies at birth and age 65 in the United Kingdom

This report presents the latest figures on male and female health expectancy, at birth and at age 65, for the UK and its four constituent countries. While life expectancy (LE) provides an estimate...

Special Areas of Conservation

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are those which have been given greater protection under The Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations 1995 (Northern Ireland) (as amended). They have...

2011 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analysis of Marine Scotland (MS) Orkney benthic survey

The purpose of this MPA assessment benthic survey in Orkney waters (Rousay to Copinsay, including Eday Sound, and points in Scapa Flow) was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution...

2011 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analysis of Marine Scotland (MS) Orkney benthic survey

The purpose of this MPA assessment benthic survey in Orkney waters (Rousay to Copinsay, including Eday Sound, and points in Scapa Flow) was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1973/PF/18: Radiometric eel trials: Northern Moray Firth (22/Aug/1973 to 02/Sep/1973)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical survey took place in August/September 1973 in the northern Moray Firth on board the SS Profiler. The purpose was 1. To assess the radiometric...

Biostratigraphical Masterpacks.

The BGS Stratigraphical Masterpack Series aims to provide high quality biostratigraphical information modules for industry. It is envisaged that the majority of clients will be among the...

Historic Marine Protected Areas (WMS)

Historic Marine Protected Areas ‘Historic MPAs’ are designated under Section 67 of the Marine Scotland Act 2010 to protect marine historic assets (e.g historic shipwrecks) of national importance...