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424 results found

Free flow vehicle speeds in Great Britain

This publication gives speeds in free flowing road traffic. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Free flow vehicle speeds in Great Britain

Pupils eligible for Free School Meals

Percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals by school for 2008 - 2010

Free Personal Care and Nursing Care in Scotland

Presents information from a variety of sources to give a picture of the number of people benefiting from free personal care and free nursing care in Scotland, and how much Local Authorities spend...

Public access free WiFi

A dataset to show the locations of council buildings and areas that have free public access WIFI. The dataset provides the locations that are currently live and the dates of when existing buildings...

Free School Meals by Ward - Secondary Schools

Number of Calderdale Secondary School (Academies and Local Authority Schools) Eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) by Ward.

Free School Meals by Ward - Primary Schools

Number of Calderdale Primary School (Academies and Local Authority Schools) Eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) by Ward

Free School Meals - Secondary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Secondary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Free School Meals - Primary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Free School Meal Provision by Ward 2021-22

This dataset contains the number of students by Leicester Ward, the number of these in receipt of universal infant free School Meals and the number of receipt of other free school meals based on...

Companies House - Free Company Data Product

Provided by Companies House - London and Barnet data can be extracted What is it? The Free Company Data Product is a downloadable data snapshot containing basic company data of live companies on...

Food Banks and Free Meal Providers

Food banks/free meal providers and services in Calderdale (that we are aware of). This data only focuses on food, providing data on the organisers, contact and address details and opening...

West of Scotland Pest Free Area

The pest free area (PFA) was established in 2005 following the repeal of the GB protected zone for Dendroctonus micans by the Plant Health (Forestry) (Great Britain) Order. The existing PFA...

West of Scotland Pest Free Area Buffer Zone

The West of Scotland conifer bark beetle Pest Free Area (PFA) exists to allow trade of conifer logs to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, which are currently free from and have Pest Free...

Life Expectancy: Healthy and Disability-Free Years

This dataset contains healthy life expectancy (HLE) and disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) results at birth and at age 65. HLE and DFLE at birth and at age 65 are examples of summary measures...

Performance Dashboard Applications for Certificates of Free Sale

This dashboard shows information about how the Applications for Certificates of Free Sale service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital...

Free early education places provision - part time equivalent

Part Time Equivalent (PTE) number of free early education places filled by three and four year olds, by type of provider and age. A PTE place is equal to five sessions and can be filled by more...

School Allocations 2015/16 - Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies

A dataset and associated pdf showing pupil allocations for Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies in Barnet for the 2015/16 intake. Criterion under which final place...

Life Expectancy: Healthy and Disability-Free Years for wards

This dataset contains healthy life expectancy (HLE) and disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) results at birth and at age 65. HLE and DFLE at birth and at age 65 are examples of summary measures...

Free early education places provision - private, voluntary and independent providers

Number of three and four year olds in free early education, in private, voluntary and independent providers, by number of sessions Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

School Pupils Numbers on Roll, and Free School Meals

This dataset shows: • Pupil Numbers on Roll (NOR) in Lincolnshire schools. NOR is the total number of pupils on school rolls. • Pupils receiving Free School Meals, numbers and percentages. The...