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563 results found

Areas to Benefit - Capital Schemes (Green and Amber) Points

HISTORIC DATASET. DO NOT USE FOR CURRENT ANALYSIS. Areas to Benefit. It is a spatial, polygon, displaying areas that would benefit from the presence of a new, or improvement of a current flood...

DSA 2013 Green Infrastructure

Areas of land designated Green Infrastructure, Policy DM11 of Development Site Allocations 2013, polygons

DSA 2013 Green Space

Areas of land designated Green Space, Policy DM12 of Development Site Allocations 2013, polygons

Sandwell MBC Green Belt

Location of allocated Green Belt land in Sandwell, as allocated in the Development Plan.

Green Waste Collection Days

Areas within Barrow Borough Council administrative area where Green Waste Collection occurs. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Green Infrastructure - Central Area

Green Infrastructure includes parks, open spaces, playing fields, woodlands, wetlands, grasslands, river and canal corridors allotments and private gardens.

Common Land & Village Greens

Registered Common Land and Village Greens within the Wakefield district

Registered Village Greens - Cumbria

Polygon data of all Registered Village Greens in Cumbria in 2006

Common Land and Village Greens

Common Land : Land registered as Common Land, for open public access and outdoor recreation, encompassing commoners and local grazing rights.

Coventry City Green Belt

This shows the designated green belt within the administrative boundary of Coventry City.

Bracknell Forest Green Belt

Bracknell Forest Green Belt

Harrogate District Green Wedges

Extents of green wedge areas in Harrogate District as polygons. All relate to town of Harrogate.

Harrogate District Green Belt

Extents of green belt areas in Harrogate District as polygons. The most recent revision of the dataset represents a redigitisation and correction of the boundary rather than a change in the actual...

Harrogate District Village Greens

Extents of village greens in Harrogate District as polygons.

Green Infrastructure Focus Map

The [**Green Infrastructure Focus Map**]( is a new tool and evidence base to help London’s decision-makers identify where green infrastructure...

Identifying Green Occupations in London

This workbook contains supporting data and information that sits behind GLA Economics [Working Paper...

London Green and Blue Cover

The GLA have produced a dataset that provides a more accurate estimate of the extent of the London’s green infrastructure - the city’s parks, gardens, trees, green spaces, rivers and wetlands, and...

Semi Natural Green Space

The purpose of the feature is to show the locations of Natural and Semi Natural Green Space in Bassetlaw.

Local Green Space (2023)

Polygon dataset showing local green spaces.

Common Land and Village Greens

This dataset comprises polygon data showing the extent & location of all Common Land & Village Greens within Bristol.Commons are typically unfenced land in private ownership with...