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189 results found

Habitat point records from 1980 OPRU Lundy littoral rock & caves survey

Field studies carried out in 1980 provide records of shore communities from five open-shore sites and six caves or pairs of caves at Lundy. The species present are listed with notes on their...

House price (newly-built dwellings) to workplace-based earnings ratio

Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for newly-built dwellings, by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and...

Rating Income

This data covers information on annual rating income for each Council area for the 2012-13 financial year to the 2015-16 financial year. The information is broken down by property type and includes...

KH-4B CORONA Satellite Panchromatic Image for a Partial Area Extending across the Syrian and Turkish Border in the Al-Jazira Region of Syria

This is a satellite image data product made available from the 1995 declassification of intelligence imagery acquired by the first generation of United States photo-reconnaissance satellites,...

KH-4B CORONA Satellite Panchromatic Image for a Partial Area Extending across the Syrian and Turkish Border in the Al-Jazīrah Region of Syria

This is a satellite image data product made available from the 1995 declassification of intelligence imagery acquired by the first generation of United States photo-reconnaissance satellites,...

KH-4B CORONA Satellite Panchromatic Image for a Partial Area Extending across the Syrian and Turkish Border in the Al-Jazīrah Region of Syria

This is a satellite image data product made available from the 1995 declassification of intelligence imagery acquired by the first generation of United States photo-reconnaissance satellites,...

Annual Business Inquiry

The Annual Business Inquiry (ABI) is conducted in two parts: employment and financial information. This release deals with the financial inquiry which collects information for about two thirds of...

Nephrops underwater TV Surveys in the Eastern Irish Sea (video data and database)

Underwater TV (UWTV) surveys dataset, used as basis of the Nephrops ( *Nephrops**norvegicus*) assessment to develop fishery independent indicators of stock size, exploitation status and catch...

Nephrops underwater TV Surveys in the North Sea (video data and database)

Underwater TV (UWTV) surveys dataset, used as basis of the Nephrops ( *Nephrops**norvegicus*) assessment to develop fishery independent indicators of stock size, exploitation status and catch...

Output in the Construction Industry

Construction output is a monthly estimate of the output of the construction industry in both the private and public sectors. The estimates are a key component of Gross Domestic Product. Source...

Sub-regional Government Accounts (experimental)

Sub-regional estimates of Government Output, Government Gross Adjusted Disposable Income and Government Capital Expenditure. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official...

Scanned images of Falkland Islands Mapping

The dataset comprises scanned images of maps and aerial photographs of the Falkland Islands. The original maps are printers films and final paper printed originals of Falkland Islands OS maps,...

Input-Output Supply and Use Tables

An essential source for the data underlying Gross Domestic Product. These balances provide a single framework showing the relationship between components of value added, industry inputs and...

Regional Economic Activity (GVA)

Shows economic activity as measured by Gross Value Added (GVA) for English regions, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland including component totals and industry group totals. Source agency: Office...

Monitoring the employment impact of mayoral programmes and initiatives

GLA Economics has produced a report ‘Monitoring the employment impact of mayoral programmes and initiatives’. The analysis allows us to estimate the number of jobs associated with GLA Group-led...

Newcastle City Council senior salaries and scale of local authority

A dataset providing the senior salary job titles and pay bands.  Also available are key stats Employment Council headcount as of the 26th february 2013 - 13,232. This figure is calucalted on the...

Scottish Annual Business Statistics

Scottish Annual Business Statistics includes detailed data on employees, turnover, gross value added, labour costs and other financial data. Data are shown by industry sector, local authority area...

HackCambridge Resources

Can you help #hackCambridge to tackle the city’s challenges? Cambridge’s brainpower is being challenged to take part in a 24hr Hackathon to find ways of using technology to tackle the pressures...

Input-Output Analyses

Input-Output Annual Supply and Use Tables (I-O SUTs) and various other analyses, which contain details of the components of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the United Kingdom (UK), as measured...

United Kingdom Input-Output Analyses

Input-Output Annual Supply and Use Tables (I-O SUTs) and various other analyses, which contain details of the components of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the United Kingdom (UK), as measured...