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180 results found

Parents' country of birth, England and Wales

Annual statistics on live births. Includes countries of birth for non-UK born mothers and fathers Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR24394

Survey name: Sonning Eye Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail between 1989 and...

IMD Crime Domain 2007

The Index of Multiple Deprivation, which was produced at LSOA level in 2007 and 2004, combines seven distinct domains of deprivation together to give an overall impression of the level of...

Birth summary tables, England and Wales

Annual data of live births, fertility rates, percentage of births outside marriage, sex ratio, mean age of mother and country of birth of mother and father. These tables are laid before...

Stop and Search

Stop and search data presented here are taken from the annual Home Office Statistics release ‘Police Powers and Procedures, England and Wales 2012/13’, and cover stops and searches conducted by...

Parasitoid abundance, aphid population mass and glucosinolate concentration from experimental ozone and diesel exhaust fumigation of Brassica napus

These datasets contain aphid/parasitoid abundances and glucosinolate concentrations associated with Brassica napus plants within eight field-based diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings located...

Further Parental Characteristics, England and Wales

Presents data on live birth registrations in England and Wales by parental characteristics. This package contains age-specific fertility rates for men, the mean age of father, and paternities...

Quality of ethnicity and gestation data subnationally for births and infant deaths in England and Wales

Births registered in England and Wales are linked to birth notifications records to utilise key variables. These linked records are further linked to death registration records. This permits...

Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) can be placed on single trees, groups of trees and even whole woodlands. If a tree has a TPO you must apply for permission from us before carrying out any work to...

Disclosure Log

Recording details of Criminal Record Checks for Potential and Approved Driving Instructors.

Birth statistics, England and Wales (Series FM1)

Statistics on live and still births occurring annually in England and Wales. Statistics for births in previous years are included to show trends in fertility. It also covers birth counts and birth...

Infant and perinatal mortality in England and Wales by social and biological factors

Report on infant and perinatal mortality by social and biologial factors including father's occupation, mother's country of birth, birthweight, mother's age. This publication has been discontinued...

On Street Crime In Camden

This dataset contains on street crimes provided by the Police via their API ( The data is clipped to the London Borough of Camden boundary, and can contain up to...

Limestone Pavement Orders

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of areas that are listed under Limestone Pavement Orders. Limestone pavements are outcrops of limestone where the surface...

Advertising Contact

Advertising Contact details and correspondence with manufacturers and Importers. Market surveillance reports includes records relating to the criminal justice system.

Building Preservation Notices GIS Data

GIS spatial data for Building Preservation Notices. Building Preservation Notices are represented by a polygon defining the extent of the temporary protection. Local planning authorities may...

Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs)

Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) within the Cherwell District Council administrative area in partnership with Thames Valley Police. DPPOs help local authorities deal with the problems of...

Tyre Noise

Tyre Noise. Contact details and correspondence with producers and distributors. Market surveillance reports. Includes records relating to the criminal justice system.

Replacement Catalytic Converters

Replacement Catalytic Converters. Contact details and correspondence with producers and distributors. Market surveillance reports. Includes records relating to the criminal justice system.

End of Life Vehicles

End of Life Vehicles: Records of information supplied by vehicle producers and of enforcement visits. Contact names and addresses. Records relating to the criminal justice system.