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703 results found

Bereaved carers' views on the quality of care in the last 3 months of life (NHSOF 4.6)

This indicator measures the experience of care for people at the end of their lives, based on the views of bereaved carers, from the National Bereavement Survey (VOICES). Purpose This indicator...

Environmental Change Network (ECN) Wytham deer exclosure experiment: 1997-2008

The Environmental Change Network (ECN) coarse-grain and woodland protocols were used to assess the vegetation within the deer exclosure plots at the ECN Wytham site. In the ECN coarse-grain...

Field spectroscopy and leaf trait data from a field experiment in Surrey [HMTF]

The dataset comprises a range of leaf traits, measured from leaf samples collected from trees growing on deep alluvial soils and shallow chalk soils, near Mickleham in Surrey, UK. Across both...

Plant community basal data from a hedgerow cutting experiment in England, 2016

This dataset contains plant community data from a hedgerow experiment investigating the effects of cutting regimes on plant species richness. There were four sites, one in Buckinghamshire, two in...

Invertebrate activity data from an experiment in Malaysian Borneo, 2014-16 [HMTF]

This resource comprises a time series dataset of ant and other invertebrate abundance measured fortnightly at bait monitoring cards on an experimental plot in the Maliau Basin Conservation Area,...

Interest features and linked critical load/level values for UK protected sites

This dataset contains the critical load and level values for designated habitats and species (where there is an appropriate match) at protected sites across the UK. The data is available for...

Critical load/level linkages for interest features at UK protected sites (revised 2018)

This dataset contains the linkages between designated features and their relevant critical loads or levels. The designated features come from the UK network of protected nature sites including: (i)...

NHS 111 Dataset

Monthly statistics on access to, volume and quality of NHS 111 calls. It covers information on the price of the NHS 111 service, its impact on activity across the urgent and emergency care system....

Youth Cohort Study

The Youth Cohort Study was a major programme of longitudinal research designed to monitor the behaviour and decisions of representative samples of young people aged sixteen upwards as they make the...

London Visitor Perceptions

Visitor expectation and experience ratings Visitor expectation and experience ratings. > [This dataset is included in the Greater London Authority's Night Time Observatory. Click here to find...

Survey of Domiciliary Care Users in Northern Ireland 2009

This publication presents findings from the 2009 survey of home care service users, administered by Community Information Branch (CIB) of the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety...

Litterfall ant genus and abundance in a fertiliser experiment area in Central Amazon, 2018-2019

Data are presented showing litterfall ant species and abundance from a plot based fertilisation experiment. The experiment was carried out at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project...

Elemental and isotopic data for timed exchange experiments between clay, mineral water and seawater

[This dataset is embargoed until October 31, 2024]. This dataset presents both isotopic and elemental data for a series of cation exchange experiments between mineral water, montmorillonite clay...

Biodiversity and structural data from hedgerow management and rejuvenation experiments in England, 2005-2016

The dataset includes data on vegetation composition, flower counts, berry availability over winter, pollinator visitation rates, invertebrate, hedge structure and hedgerow regrowth from a set of...

High velocity friction experiments, Sumatra 2018 (NERC grant NE/P011268/1)

High velocity friction experiments. In this study, new samples recovered by IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) Exp. 362 from incoming Indian plate sediments will be used to investigate the...

QICS Paper: The use of scientific diving in support of a novel carbon dioxide release experiment

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a way of possibly reducing impacts from fossil fuel emissions by injecting large volumes of carbon dioxide into appropriate geological formations. Some of the...

QICS Data: Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment measurements

Excel file containing the bubble measurement data. The dynamic characteristics of CO2 bubbles in Scottish seawater are investigated through observational data obtained from the QICS project. Images...

Critical load/level linkages for interest features at UK protected sites

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset contains the linkages between designated features and their relevant critical loads or levels. The designated features come from the UK network of...

Species point records from 1975-78 University of Bristol Severn Estuary littoral rock survey

Zonation of algae and invertebrates was examined on rocky shores in the Severn estuary from 1975 to 1978. These shores were characterised by an absence of macro-algae from MLWS and below. Some...

Habitat point records from 1975-78 University of Bristol Severn Estuary littoral rock survey

Zonation of algae and invertebrates was examined on rocky shores in the Severn estuary from 1975 to 1978. These shores were characterised by an absence of macro-algae from MLWS and below. Some...